Abomination - Semi-LJ Exclusive

Jan 09, 2011 13:11

Category: Kingdom Hearts
Character: Zexion
Pairing: Zexion/Demyx
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: K+
Written For: Little-Caitlin's Drawing “Will You Fall With Me?” on Deviantart.

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

Beauty was in his stride, and every ounce of my being longed for his company for all eternity. Surely He knew of this indecent abomination within by being, but I could not find it within myself to stop loving the creature that was, once, the same gender as myself. This desire was not meant for a being of the Celestial realm, no. It is a tool of Lucifer himself to drive the humans to the bottomless pit of fire in which he is God. But still, I yearned.
The man's name alone spoke volumes to me, and when we debate on the world of humans- the first world, Earth- he is kinder; more forgiving than most. Demyx speaks of joy, humor, and many of the other virtues of the human race that are beyond our angelic forms to enjoy. He speaks of how they create stories of worlds within their imagination with lyrics or words or pictures. In those stories there would be this sense of wonder, and how love would always triumph over the Evil in each person.
As we meet we grow closer, these meetings grow more and more frequent with time. Before long he speaks to me of a matter that is not of humans. “There is an abomination in me,” he says, his voice ever so flawless and wonderful to my ears. “There is an abomination that yearns for what should not be mine, and I feel I should tell you before He sees it within my soul.”
“Do not share it,” I reply, “as the sharing of it might lead me to join in the enactment of such a sin.” My soul leaps, none-the-less, and a bitter-sweet emotion that should not be there is twisting within me as his face contorts.
He is sad; emotion should not be possible in this realm, though. “I have fallen in love with you.”
I had awaited solid eons, praying that this day would not come. For hundreds of years we had spent our after-lives in each others' company, and I had yearned for those words. Words that I scorned to speak for myself to him, yet could not resist the temptation to allow it flight from my lips upon his confession.
“How I have waited to hear to say that.” The words I speak are truer than any I have said before.
We cannot kiss, though, for we do not have physical forms to fornicate. This- just being together- is enough, though, until He looks into our souls and finds our transgressions there; a blot against our Celestial purity.
Before long he is called to His court, and visits me before he must go to face his punishment.
“If I fall... Will you fall with me?”
I have only one reply. “Of course.”

This is also on DA so I can give it to Little-Caitlin, so it's only semi-LJ exclusive.

Besieged Infection

fanfiction: lj exclusive, game: kingdom hearts, fanfiction: drabble, character: zexion, character: demyx

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