So thursday we (mallory, Brittany and myself) went to the beach. we layed out, talked, laughed...the usual. Then we walked to the daquatri deck to have lunch, then back to the beach again. it was very entertaining. Especially when u have like 12 year old boys running after the three of us yelling "HEY MY FRIEND LIKES YOU!!!" Then, when we got back to the beach, something very strange, but amusing happend. This Weird looking, awkward man came up to these girls laying out like 20 ft. away from us. they seemed to be okay with it at first, but then all we could hear them talking about was "taking advantage of girls for money, and hypnosis" so the three of us said that if he tried to come over and talk to us, we would just pretend we were sleeping or ignore him. however, all of a sudden he was running around like a model, and trying to bite his ear and yelling "IM NOT READY TO HAVE THIS BABY! I WAS ON BIRTHCONTROL AND I STILL GOT PREGNANT!" while he rubbed his stomach over and over again. weird enough, he told the girls that he was talking to that if they said "ruby slippers" and then told him to do something, he had to do it because he was hypnotized when he was younger. They told him to go ask out some girls away from them to get rid of him, but he came back afterwards. evidently enough, there was then a larger group of people crowding around him.( Mallory, Brittany, Me, The girls he was talking to, 3 girls who were celebrating someones birthday, and a girl and her boyfriend, and her boyfriends friends.) the girls he was talking to then told the guys in the group what happend and they wanted him to go away. so out of no where, the girl who was with her boyfriend, stomps right to his face, and yells " WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAVE THESE GIRLS ALONE, THEY ARE LIKE 15 AND YOU ARE LIKE 50! THEY DONT WANT A CHILD MOLESTOR LIKE YOU TO HANG AROUND WITH THEM SO WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAVE!" The strange man just looked at the girl and walked away. after that, we all just went back to out towels and realized what just really happend and laughed it off. soon after that i left to go home.
The guy trying to bite his ear.
He kept yelling that he was pregnant. Hes wearing a womens vest...weird
Some more hotties
Then, last night brittany mallory and i went to the mall and saw robots. it was very cute.
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