Seeing me with you.
Sometimes i often find myself gazing into your eyes
So soft and beautiful like deep pools of blue sparkling oceans that i've visited in my dreams
i wish for one day for you to say, i long for you and now i see who you are
i need your hand to save me from falling
i need your love to help me fight away these fears
i want your heart to feel mine
your the one whose put this smile on my face, the one whose made me believe again
the only one whose made me... Me
the years may pass and we might too
we just may never be but i really wish we could
today i found that love that we shared
it was behind the moments that brought the tears, the moments that brought the smiles
i found it behind the day that we said good bye
so now i find myself gazing into your eyes in this picture that i hold
wishing that you were still with me.