Guild Chats

Apr 05, 2011 18:57

For the people from WoW_ladies who might have wanted to see the chat log of what went on, here it is. I'm too lazy to change the names....Sorry!

Guild Chat (missing the beginning of it)

19:35:30 [Eryah]: You said "I'll expect it in my mailbox" and I said "After you buy it from the AH :P"
19:35:33 [Pröng]: i know because GL told me you did
19:35:38 [Eryah]: And then I gave it to him
19:36:28 [Pröng]: yeah i know you gave it to him glad he read me the note  lol
19:36:43 [Eryah]: Why
19:38:25 [Pröng]: why what ?
19:38:35 [Eryah]: Why are you glad he read you the note?
19:38:56 [Pröng]: lets me know
19:39:29 [Eryah]: Lets you know what? If you were nicer and not so immature about a GAME ITEM that trash dropped, you'd have it now
19:39:33 [Pröng]: just remember some of the best freinds you ever have will tell you when you piss them off
19:39:55 [Eryah]: Soooo are you saying we're still friends? Cuz you're not really acting like it
19:40:28 [Pröng]: im too immature for your freindship
19:40:34 [Eryah]: I'm not saying that
19:40:40 [Pröng]: i am
19:40:43 [Eryah]: I said you were immature about that situation, in my opinion
19:40:49 [Eryah]: Lol. Okay then.
19:41:02 [Pröng]: yeah and your a selfish ...... in mine
19:41:07 [Eryah]: How am I
19:41:19 [Eryah]: I won an item, and you expected me to give it to you
19:41:21 [Eryah]: Thats selfish
19:41:33 [Pröng]: why did you decide to take it off auction and give it ?
19:41:52 [Eryah]: Because GL was nice about it, and wanted it.
19:41:58 [Eryah]: I dont need the money
19:41:58 [Pröng]: no you won an item for doing nothing
19:42:08 [Eryah]: For rolling 100, for doing a traash run with a friend
19:42:14 [Pröng]: lmfao he was nice to you
19:42:22 [Eryah]: He was nice about the item yeah
19:42:30 [Eryah]: instead of expecting it
19:42:35 [Pröng]: yeah keep thinkin so
19:42:41 [Eryah]: Ok?
19:43:03 [Pröng]: he checked his mailbox ater you logged then looked in the auction
19:43:13 [Eryah]: What do you mean
19:43:30 [Eryah]: Oh
19:43:37 [Eryah]: So? What did he say
19:43:41 [Pröng]: because after all he has done for you he was expecting you to give it to him
19:44:04 [Eryah]: Lol I don't know why ANYONE was expecting me to give it to them
19:44:06 [Pröng]: thats none of your business what was discussed about you
19:44:06 [Eryah]: It was MY item
19:44:23 [Eryah]: Well I'll talk to him later when he's on I guess
19:44:41 [Pröng]: go ahead and he will be nice to you
19:44:55 [Pröng]: lol
19:44:56 [Eryah]: Probably. I don't see why he wouldn't
19:45:18 [Pröng]: well atleast you knew where i stood
19:45:25 [Eryah]: Meaning?
19:45:44 [Pröng]: meaning i told you how i felt
19:45:55 [Eryah]: Okay.
19:46:05 [Pröng]: an honest and mature way for freinds to discuss a difference
19:46:25 [Pröng]: i was the only one !!!
19:46:38 [Eryah]: Well you probably don't care how I feel now anyway so.
19:47:32 [Pröng]: well you dont give a damn how i felt so why should i ..... I got your slap in my face when he read me your letter to him
19:47:45 [Eryah]: That bothers me that he read it to you....
19:48:28 [Pröng]: well at least you know who your freinds are and help them ]
19:48:36 [Eryah]: Well apparently I don't
19:48:44 [Eryah]: If I knew he was "expecting" it, I wouldn't have given it to him either.
19:48:45 [Pröng]: Good choice he is really a good person
19:48:55 [Eryah]: I know that.
19:49:09 [Eryah]: But like I won it. No one should have expected it. Thats dumb.
19:49:14 [Pröng]: better than I apparenly 
19:49:18 [Eryah]: No
19:49:38 [Pröng]: do you know how much you have asked from us
19:49:43 [Eryah]: No? Not a lot.
19:49:44 [Eryah]: From you
19:49:45 [Eryah]: yea
19:49:47 [Eryah]: but no one else
19:49:49 [Pröng]: and we never asked for anything
19:49:58 [Pröng]: NEVER
19:50:06 [Eryah]: And neither have I, from anyone else besides you.
19:50:15 [Eryah]: You shouldn't do something with the intent of getting something back
19:50:19 [Pröng]: and you want to presume to tell me i have no right to ask you for anything
19:50:25 [Eryah]: You didnt ask
19:50:25 [Pröng]: i didnt
19:50:27 [Eryah]: you demanded
19:50:40 [Pröng]: lol ok
19:50:44 [Eryah]: Its true
19:50:51 [Pröng]: no i assumed
19:50:57 [Pröng]: and i was wrong
19:51:18 [Eryah]: You shouldn't assue
19:51:20 [Eryah]: *assume.
19:51:31 [Pröng]: thanks for the lesson
19:52:16 [Eryah]: I shouldn't have to feel bad for winning something.
19:52:40 [Pröng]: probably the only thing you could have ever helped me
with to say thank you
19:53:07 [Eryah]: Its an item....
19:53:15 [Eryah]: I can see you being a little bothered
19:53:19 [Eryah]: But you're taking it too far
19:53:35 [Pröng]: its an epic item ... and its not the item
19:53:51 [Eryah]: You could have came with us.
19:53:58 [Pröng]: it thinking someone was different from everyone else
19:54:18 [Pröng]: and taking your time to help them
19:54:20 [Eryah]: Well it doesn't matter now anyways, if you hadn't have been expecting it in the first place I would have given it to you.
19:54:27 [Pröng]: and get to know them
19:55:16 [Pröng]: no if you would have been giving it to me you would have wsp me telling me oh look  what i won would you like it
19:55:36 [Eryah]: No? I was psyched that I had won it in the first place and excited
19:55:45 [Eryah]: before I could even whisper you, you sent me a tell
19:55:49 [Eryah]: saying it better be in my box
19:56:05 [Pröng]: and your first thoughts went to the gold you were going to make yeah we discussed that too
19:56:17 [Eryah]: You and GL?
19:56:33 [Pröng]: not just him
19:56:36 [Eryah]: Who else?
19:57:04 [Pröng]: lol you know what have fun getting to know your freinds
19:57:11 [Eryah]: What the fuck
19:57:13 [Eryah]: Whatever
19:57:20 [Eryah]: I'll talk to GL
19:57:28 [Pröng]: i shouldnt give you all the answers
19:57:35 [Pröng]: go ahead
19:57:40 [Eryah]: I shouldn't have to give you something I FUCKING WON.
19:57:52 [Pröng]: no you shouldnt
19:57:57 [Eryah]: nor should i be expected
19:58:00 [Eryah]: nor should it be assumed
19:58:04 [Pröng]: nope you shouldnt
19:58:10 [Eryah]: you and GL are BOTH selfish for expecting and assuming
19:58:17 [Eryah]: if you want the fucking item go get it yourself
19:58:32 [Pröng]: yes we are very slefish people keep going
19:58:39 [Eryah]: Nope. I'm done.
19:58:44 [Eryah]: I'll talk to him and see what he has to say
19:58:45 [Pröng]: yeah me too
19:58:48 [Eryah]: for all i know he could be lying
19:58:51 [Eryah]: *you could be
19:58:53 [Eryah]: and he didnt say anything
19:58:55 [Eryah]: so we'll see.
19:59:01 [Pröng]: go ahead he will be nice to you
19:59:12 [Pröng]: lol
19:59:14 [Eryah]: and then what, talk behind my back?
19:59:29 [Eryah]: You know I'm going to tell him you're saying this about him, and that wont look good on you.
19:59:36 [Pröng]: no I'm lieing right
19:59:40 [Eryah]: You could be.
19:59:53 [Eryah]: See who my friends are, right?
20:00:27 [Pröng]: telling him what that he and i discussed it after you logged
20:00:43 [Pröng]: that he checked his mailbox and the AH
20:01:05 [Pröng]: that he is a good freind and he deserved you to give iot too him
20:01:14 [Pröng]: go ahead and tell
20:01:20 [Eryah]: K then why are you so pissy
20:01:29 [Eryah]: if he deserved
20:01:30 [Eryah]: it
20:01:53 [Pröng]: im not just dont waste my time anymore have fun with your game
20:02:01 [Eryah]: Whatever.
20:02:24 [Pröng]: and i would be glad to know someone that would tell me honestly when i pissed them off
20:02:56 [Eryah]: I appreciate you talking to me about it even if I think it's ridiculous.
20:02:59 [Eryah]: I'm not mad at you.
20:03:34 [Pröng]: oh im not mad at you
20:03:57 [Eryah]: K but you like aren't going to help me ever again because I didnt give you something
20:04:14 [Eryah]: I'm not even unhappy about you not helping me
20:04:32 [Eryah]: I'm unhappy that you wont like talk to me about anything/ or group to do things together/talk
20:05:02 [Pröng]: i am not going to help you because you took and took and took from me and when you had a chance to give  you told me to fuck off and give you more
20:05:17 [Eryah]: I didnt ask for anymore help after that? I haven't taken anything
20:05:26 [Eryah]: All the help you've given, was GIVEN. You told me to ask for help
20:05:32 [Pröng]: you took my time
20:05:37 [Eryah]: Not a lot of it.
20:06:32 [Pröng]: well if you concider how much time i give to others it was alot of time to me i just do my own thing and mind my own business
20:06:50 [Eryah]: K but if you had a problem with helping then you could have said something
20:06:53 [Pröng]: ty for reminding me why
20:06:59 [Eryah]: I told you time and time how much I appreciated your help.
20:07:14 [Pröng]: ty for that your rioght
20:07:23 [Pröng]: you did tell me ty
20:11:37 [Eryah]: fyi friends don't talk bad about eachother behind theyre backs, like you and GL did about me apparently. if you had a problem with me selling it on the AH you could have been, or he could have been "Hey, I reallly could use that, can we come to a deal
20:11:50 [Eryah]: and I would have been like, oh right, no, you dont have to pay. i didnt even think of that!
20:11:51 [Eryah]: and boom
20:12:42 [Pröng]: you know what you didnt even think of that .... you are right you didnt even think of that
20:12:59 [Eryah]: why would i have thought about that in the middle of a raid, rolling a critical 100, that was awesome
20:13:02 [Pröng]: and who said we were talking bad about you behind your back ?
20:13:09 [Eryah]: you said you discussed me
20:13:11 [Eryah]: i'm sure it wasn't nice
20:13:22 [Pröng]: we didnt bad mouth you
20:13:28 [Eryah]: Then why wont you tell me what you said?
20:13:52 [Pröng]: i just said how you let me down to be like that to not even think of helping a freind out
20:14:15 [Pröng]: first thought went to money
20:14:22 [Eryah]: k iv'e raided a whole, now 3 times in my WoW life, I was over excited.
20:14:22 [Pröng]: and thats fine
20:14:54 [Eryah]: Whatever, it doesn't even matter now anyways I guess.
20:14:58 [Pröng]: it your game and your relationships deal with them how wever you want
20:15:20 [Eryah]: Oh look!
20:15:27 [Eryah]: Someone in trade is selling the helm for 7.5k!
20:15:34 [Pröng]: like i said i told you how i felt
20:16:06 [Pröng]: i would spend that kind of money on something that will be replaced someday
20:16:30 [Pröng]: and you know waht i willget one one of these days for him
20:16:40 [Eryah]: Well good luck.
20:16:46 [Pröng]: off a free drop
20:17:08 [Pröng]: ty for the well wishes
20:17:39 [Pröng]: and GL to you

And my chat to my GL

20:59:26 To [GL]: Hey, Can I talk to you when you're free?
20:59:53 [GLl] whispers: sure give me one sec
21:01:46 [GL] whispers: Whats up?
21:02:27 To [GL]: I was talking to Prong, who's obviously upset that I gave the item to you. And we had a really long angry conversation a little while ago about it.
21:02:53 To [GL]: I dunno what to say really, but I'm frustrated that he expected me to give it to him, and then he told me you did too, and you and him were complaining about it with other people in the Guild
21:03:38 [GL] whispers: Only thing I ever said is what i said to you, it would be nice to have it, but i could never ask for something worth so much. Prong also told me that his druid is retired, his hunter is his main focus
21:04:12 To [GL]: :/ He told me that you guys had a big conversation and that you'd be nice to me if I talked to you in private, but other people in the guild were all talking about me.
21:04:25 To [GL]: I'm just offended because I won...I don't think anyone should expect it/assume I'll give it to them
21:05:09 [GL] whispers: I agree, and nobody in guild talked about any of it, at least not while i was in game. only one i spoke to was Prong, when i told him it would be nice to have it, but i cant ask for something worth so much
21:05:32 To [GL]: He said that you checked your mailbox and then the auction and complained :/
21:06:01 To [GL]: I'm fine with giving it away, like I said I don't need the money, but I don't think I should be made to feel bad over winning something that everyone was invited to...
21:10:04 To [GL]: I just want to make sure that you're not offended that I wasn't going to give it to you, because I don't really think it's fair for someone to expect it, like Prong did. The second I won it he was like "I'll expect that in my mailbox"
21:11:21 [Pröng] whispers: you wanna go head to head with me ?
21:11:29 [GL] whispers: im pretty sure he was joking when he said that, but no, i was fine with you selling it. I will never pay more then 5k for any item in the AH, armor included. And I never charge guildies for anything. Its tha way i am. I also cant ask somebody for
21:11:29 [GL] whispers: something that is worth so much gold. its just not me
21:11:50 To [Pröng]: What?
21:11:51 [GL] whispers: but yes, i am very happy you did send it to me, and I love it very much! /hugs
21:12:06 [Pröng] whispers: stop talking behind my back *cry*\
21:12:16 To [Pröng]: I'm telling GL what happened, like I told you I'd do.
21:12:29 To [GL]: Okay, well that makes me feel better. Thanks :)
21:12:37 [Pröng] whispers: lol i know keep it up see where it gets you
21:12:52 To [Pröng]: Lol are you threatening me?
21:13:25 [GL] whispers: If   [Chelley's Staff of Dark Mending] drops off one of my trash runs and i win it, you can count on getting it. Thats the person i am, i have been told im poverly nice in game :p
21:13:26 [Pröng] whispers: nope your making yourself look bad lol]
21:13:47 [GL] whispers: overly nice, not poverly lol
21:14:10 To [Pröng]: How?
21:14:19 To [GL]: Haha well thanks n_n
21:15:15 [GL] whispers: I hope you and Prong can smooth things out and let it go. Would hate to see things get bad
21:15:24 To [GL]: I dont think it's going to get better
21:16:13 To [GL]: The second I start talking to you, he said "You wanna go head to head with me" and then told me to keep it up, see where this gets me, and I'm making ymself look bad
21:17:44 To [Pröng]: Are you going to tell me how I'm making myself look bad?
21:17:56 [GL] whispers: You look fine to me :p  Dont tell Yoshi i said that!
21:17:59 [Pröng] whispers: no im friggin done with you
21:18:10 To [GL]: Aha, thanks
21:18:19 To [Pröng]: Okay then
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