stole from Sara...
Bold the ones that apply to you.
I don't always like the way I look.
I used to cut myself.
I'm a daydreamer.
I like when my friends write me letters, it makes me feel special.
I like to be with my boyfriend/girlfriend.
I randomly doodle on pieces of paper or myself when boredom strikes.
I love all my friends.
I wish people would stop making me cry.
I hate people who try to be what they're not.
I went to boarding school for the last 2 years of high school
I love all candy, well, most.
I get my feelings hurt really easy.
I believe inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.
I wear pants a lot.
I am often bored.
I like to say what's on my mind.
I hate blue jeans
I'm online a lot.
I have 2 goldfish
I am for the most part happy with myself.
I need to work out more.
I like being alone at certain times.
When I get angry, I curse to myself sometimes.
I wish I could spend more time with the ones I love.
I hate shallow people. they annoy me ya, but most people are shallow to some point...
I'm a type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic
I ponder life way too much.
Sometimes I think everyone hates me.
I wish my brother didn't die.
I hate it when girls have their thongs sticking really far out of the back of their pants.
I need to be showed I'm loved.
I wish I was better.
I hate discrimination.
I hate guys who are only out for one thing.
I have a cute car.
I love glitter
I sometimes wish I was more social.
I love my close friends.
I love to have fun.
I get amused easily.
I'm a lazy ass.
I'm usually more outgoing when I'm around friends.
I love to be me.
I like wearing hoodies.
I wish I could fake a British accent
I don't have to wish, I already can imitate a British accent
I can make my tongue look like a seashell
I love music.
I hate my camera, because it didn't come with adequate memory.
I love sushi. Especially unagi.
Acting like a "gangstarr" annoys the crap out of me, but at the same time, i am deeply amused
I love being surprised
I love cold nights.
Spiders don't scare me like crazy
I like bracelets.
I have a sister named Rinnie.
Chickens are amazing
I wish I went to the beach more often
When I want time to go fast, it goes slow, and vice versa.
I can never seem to finish something until the last minute.
I love the little things, if it's a funny little note from a friend or just a little something special, it means so much to me.
I like getting letters through the mail.
I am me.
I really like the color black.
I love koala bears.
I like anime, and LOVED it back in 4th grade, but i don't watch it much anymore, save for the occassional episode of Inuyasha.
I believe in fate. sometimes
I wish everyone was original and acted as themselves.
I hate pop rock.
I adore eighties music. Especially Cyndi Lauper and Duran Duran.
I want to make something of my life.
I take pictures a lot.
Eugenia is crazy.
I don't mind having a quiet night in, but at the same time I don't mind a loud night out.
My math teacher has telepathic powers.
I rather wear skirts than pants.
I'm very neat, but my desk is messy
I love math.
I love old movies
I want to go to an Ivy League university
I think Sackcloth Fashion sucks!! screw rap-metal!
I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they suck. It is the thought that counts afterall.
I'm short.
I love the rain.
I love to watch people laugh.
I take ballet.
I cry when other people cry.
I love my Jackie O sunglasses.
People who act like one thing then get pissy when they get called that one thing annoy me. I've probably done that before though...
I cried during A Walk to Remember, and am not ashamed to admit it.
I'd love to go to public school.
Linkin Park is my favorite band.
I live in California.
I love summer and the sun. I wish I had a house in Hawaii. I can stare at the beach for HOURS.
I find it sooo annoying when, as soon as a person stops liking someone, they like someone else a week later. Give it some time to heal, dude!
My parents are divorced, and I like it better that way.
I buy more CDs in a month than many people buy in 6 months
Gunbound, Counterstrike, Diablo, and all of those games are really stupid and people who sit there playing those games for like 23 hours a day are losers. BIG ones..
Love at first sight is a mere excuse for lust.
God will be very disappointed of us
I don't know why Asians like rice so much. I mean, come on.
I have never been to Texas.
Lindsay Lohan is more tolerable than Hilary Duff.
One day I hope to be able to forgive.
I have a strong hunch that spam is today's soylent green.
I can handle pain, but make it quick.
I love salad.
I hate green.
Black nail polish is common and is a lame-ass excuse for being punk or depressed. punks are different. so paint your nails different. Black nail polish is too cliche if used for the wrong reasons...
I don't agree with that. black nail polish is just black nail polish. i wear it a lot even though i'm not necessarily 'punk'... so screw whoever wrote that
Weezer is a great band.
I want to travel the world.
I don't understand people who dislike others because they fall under a certain classification. It's like "I don't like people who like pink....". Well they could be awesome people you know.
I hate it when people criticize themselves aloud so they can get compliments.
I'm online for 6-7 hours a day on weekends. Isn't that sad?
If I had to be stuck on an island, the first thing I would bring is a friend, but my phone and CD player would be sorely missed. Um no I would bring my phone so I could get help?
I like my xanga.
I love earrings
I love when it's cold, but I my favorite season is summer...go figure.
I'm going to a catholic all girls school
I am not afraid of dying, just curious to see where we go.
Sometimes I just cry for no reason
I hate how unintellectual people try to appear deep. What is deep and what qualifies a person to be deep?
I love Eddie Furlong
I love gay people but I am not obsessed
I crave lollipops all the time.
I don't like narrow-minded people.
I love being so caught up in something that I can't hear other things or see anything else except the thing im focused on.
I feel sorry for people with Hanson tattoos.
I love jokes.
I love water, and would choose it over many drinks.
I loathe people who flirt incessantly. Dude, come on, have some shame.
I love the smell of fire.
I believe in Karma
I love night time.
I prefer hanging out with guys over girls
I think anyone who can influence you to be a better person is a godsend.
Please wear deoderant if you are 10 or older. PLEASE.
I am aware of being a disappointment to my family.
I cannot skateboard for the life of me.
I am horribly sentimental, I will not throw useless things out.
I've always been a loner.
Pretty girls make me squeal.
I love long hair on guys.
I'm second in my class.
I have a bad habit of using faces.
I have multiple eating disorders.
I hate when people pretend to be bi in order to be trendy.
My goal in life is to travel.
I detest children.
I'm still a child at heart.
I'm the best at ping pong.
I was in love with Johnny Depp before anyone even considered making The Pirates of the Caribbean.
pink is one of the best colors.
I am pro-choice.
No offense, but I'm sick of seeing Jack Sparrow icons.
I prefer being single.
I'm a jealous person. I guess sometimes I can be
I hate criticism, even though it helps me more than I think it does.
I don't know how to respond to compliments.
I love writing, even though I think my writing is terrible.
I wear like no makeup.
I look at everyone's AIM info every time theyre online, even though they rarely change.
I also read everyone's away messages.
I have been known to play video games for unhealthy amounts of time.
I am passionate about all of my interests
I hate people who hold strong opinions on things they know nothing about
I hate when people look over my shoulder.
I don't like what I look like. sometimes
I'm a grammar-nazi.
I procrastinate. A LOT.
I hate DragonBall Z.
I sleep too little
Je parle le francais.
I am obsessed with making journal icons.
I eat more junk food than regular food.
I think Xanga is the best journal site out there.
In fact... I really dislike LJ.
I cry over everything.
A lot of people in my school dislike me.
I complain about everything.
I have a very high-pitched voice. people say I do...but I seriously dont think I do
I squeak a lot, involuntarily, and often get made fun of for it.haha I used to
It makes me mad when things I like become trendy.
I could live off of sushi.
I have a lot more money than do most of my friends.
I like girls with dark hair.
No one listens to the same music as me.
It is a proven fact that I prefer talking to people online if they use complete sentences and correct grammar/punctuation.
It's easier than most would expect to make me cry.
I'm tired of worrying about crap.
I correct others' spelling/grammar quite often.
I don't play any team sports for my school.
I want to go to Japan
I hate sounding obsessed with a musical artist.
I never want to get married.
I hate any alcoholic drinks. well I don't drink
I prefer urban life over rural life.
I'm obsessed with fashion.
I like to make my own clothes.
My grades are very important to me.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate everyone.
I hate a lot of people.
Androgyny is sexy.
I rant too much.
I hog the covers.
I'm online a lot.
I am a good judge of character.
I find it difficult to be friends with stupid people.
I am obsessed with anime.
I like to read a lot.
I can be really mean when I want to. I guess...
I can also be more thoughtful than a lot of people.
I always try to help others as much as I can.
I'm very irritable.
I've never cheated in school, and I hate people that do.
I've never cheated in a relationship, and if anyone ever cheated on me, he would never get a second chance. well Ive never been in a relationship
My parents are divorced.
I have a stepmother.
I love ice cream.
I haven't watched The Sound of Music yet.
I hate having the feeling that I'm not going to go anywhere in life.
I don't like crowds.
I hate people that think the mall is the root of all evil. It's just a place. Get over it.
I'm not as much of a TV addict as I used to be.
Most of my friends hate Bush.
I am better at keeping secrets than are most of my friends.
I love my parents, but never know how to show them.
I am not yet in college, or am I going back soon.
I have no idea where I'd like to go to college.
I wish there were more questions, I'm on a roll.
I have issues with the subject of commitment.
I'm a girl.
I hate makeup.
I prefer music over books.
I used to play an instrument.
I have dark brown eyes.
I am on AIM entirely too much.
I think everyone is a psycho.
I wanna do something in the medical business.
I can't lick my elbow.
Stars are awesome.
I dont wear contacts.
I do not know my natural hair color.
I really have no life.
I am cool.
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
There is a really cool looking dog with a bone in it's mouth on my keyboard.
I have a lot to learn.
I have a dog.
I bet I won't move very far away.
I've broken a bone.
I have secrets.
I hate snow.
I have cried during a movie.
Subway cookies rock.
I do not have glasses on right now.
I eat too much.
I just ate yogurt.
I am far more ordinary than you might think.
I like abc family.
I didn't even know there was a girl in my class name Patricia.
I don't always need what I think I need.
I have asthma.
Tom Delonge is one hot mother effer.
I'm currently watching 7th heaven.
I cried all the time when I was little
I am alive.
Lollie pops are the shiz.
I haven't used a regular pencil for a long time.
I like comedy movies.
Koosh balls are awesome.
I don't have online buddies.
My hands are always warm.
I like Taking Back Sunday!!
I'm not a panda.
I'm not very patriotic.
I'd like to fluently speak another language.
I spend too much time on the computer.
I have too much crap on my desk.
My friends are one of the most important people in my life.
I'd like to be more original.
I've lied.
I don't like Xanga's that disable right-clicking.
I'm a reasonable person.
I wonder what happens when you die.
I should hang up my one picture.
I want to hug you.
I can not WAIT until I love the 90s on vh1.
I am wearing shorts.
I'm broke!
I'm a little selfish at times. I guess...
I hate going to class.
Christmas is fun.
I'm 5'6"or so.
I watch tv or listen to music before I go to sleep.
Blue is an awesome color.
So is green.
I hate pink.
I'm not so innocent.
I want to be somewhere else right now.
Cherry coke rocks!
I don't like bugs.
I have a pink mouse pad.
I like guys who are funny.
I've been talking too much.
Mmm, Pringles.
My brother has his music too loud.
I am going food shopping with my mom today.
I can't wait for summer.
You make me so nervous.
I wish I could travel more.
I have never seen a harry potter movie.
My belly button itches.
I have a lot of scars because i am very accident prone and I tripped a lot as a kid.
Did you hear what he said about her?!?!?!
I like to find good music.
I miss being a kid.
I like cheese.
I have a best friend(s).
I am very lazy.
I'm trying to think of facts right now.
I hate thunder.
I laugh at things people don't think are funny.
I need to go to more concerts.
I'm in denial at the moment.
My hair is still its natural color
I paint my toe nails
I get annoyed when i don't get to finish telling a story
I like to wear pink
Sometimes I wish I could do something really, really amazingly well
I drink a lot of water
I've never taken a hit of a cigarette
I love fat people!
I'm such a health freak
I love taking pictures
I have really tiny wrists
I can identify some close friends by smell
I'm far too nice
I hate when people confuse "your" and "you're"
I wish I had a pug
I miss middle school
I have pretty good eating habit
I have a hard time making up my mind sometimes
I wish my hair naturally curled
I can't live without chapstick
I wish I could sing
I like classical music
Striped pants are hot
I think Schylar is a really cool name
I usually don't get sarcasm
I wish I could look in a mirror and constantly be satisfied with myself
I shift between being sleepy and awake when I'm really tired
I hardly ever vaccuum
I hate racism and nazi's
I want him to hold me
I like watermelon flavored things
I'm a snob about grammar
I am a terrible liar
Old Spice deoderant smells WONDERFUL
I wish I knew how to speak in Italian
I am learning to be happy wherever I am
I have no idea what my school musical is about
I appreciate honesty
I need a manicure
I love Dr.Pepper
I twirl my hair
I love kissing
I don't own a cellphone
I want to learn to play harp
I'm not old enough to vote
I live in the past far too much
I need to remember to be a teenager sometimes
I want to see most of the world
Sometimes I wonder what's going on over in London
I hate being lied to
I believe in a thing called love
I go shopping usually once a week
Today is Wednesday
I've read more than 100 books in my life, probably
I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme
I like feet
I like getting compliments
I want the world to see me
I am tactful most of the time
I'm afraid of spiders
I get too attached to some people
I'm usually on time
I forgive but I don't forget
I think way too damn much for my own good
My current relationship is teaching me a lot
I like salads from McDonalds
I read for at least an hour every night before bed
I talk to a lot of people I don't like because I hate being rude
I sing in the shower
Laughing turns me on
I wish I were asleep
I am stuck between two boys/girls right now.
I love reeses peanutbutter cups
I never have enough energy to do what I'm doing
I have a friend who has an outtie bellybutton...
I have driven a car
There is no nailpolish on my nails
I am unafraid to change, but I don't think I realize the boundary between change and utter transformation
I wear brown, thin-rimmed glasses
Goodbyes make me sad comes after
I love cuddling
I run when I'm bored
I wish I were more attractive to others
I worry too much sometimes about what certain people think
Compliments make me happy
I like long car rides with certain people
I drink a lot of orange juice in the morning
I wonder a lot who I'm going to end up marrying
I listen to the things no one else really cares about
I can draw from imaginiation
TyPiNg LIeK diS anNoyes [the hell out of] mEeeh
This took too long