If you don't want to work and go to school, student loans let you include living expenses in there, and you don't have to pay anything until you are done, unless you choose to pay while youre in school. Just a thought...I know I couldn't be going to school where I am without loans. Good luck figuring all this suff out.
aww Matt, i think you are such a great person and when you are ready to do something and when you think of what you are gonna do the rest of your life, youll know it and youll get it done. it just has to be apart of your passion in life. and if you ever wanna come down here for school, we can get a place somwhere :) anyway, keep your head up.. theres big plans for you, just be patient! im commenting even though you never comment in mine! :p
sometimes at that moment of your life things just arent right for you. Things will happen for you..when you're ready to let them happen. as much as its like omg im gonna be 21 what am i gonna do..at the same time..you're only 21..you have time to figure it all out
Comments 4
Thanks though :)
dont worry so much ;D
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