Reddiowa: i must meet your sister
pandaba75: hahaha, you haven't? i thought you stalked her once
Reddiowa: well, i e-mailed her, and i tried to find her room once, but since you don't *REMEMBER* the room number, i'm out of options
pandaba75: did she email you back?
Reddiowa: yeah, this was like 2 months ago, she seemed a little scared, would you call it?
pandaba75: well, do you blame her?
Reddiowa: haha, guess not. but you know, if i could get her SN from you...we could get to know each other, maybe have a little dinner at a nice cafe...come on jenny!
pandaba75: hmm...i think that would officially constitute a "weird" situation
Reddiowa: maybe at first...but she'd get used to it! please, please, please, chairman mao?
pandaba75: i'll think about it.
Reddiowa: jen, this could be a match made in heaven! besides, you know you're a legend around my friends?
pandaba75: i even want to know?
Reddiowa: of course you do!
Reddiowa: so that guy i randomly got off your profile in june, "Concertmaster69", he's a real legend, all of my friends have his SN and talk with him all the day, that or mess with him, and everyone always wants to know how I know the guy, so I'm like, "well, it's all because of jen mao..."
APerfectTool42: actually vote for terry wang
APerfectTool42: his last name is wang
APerfectTool42: and his parents almost named him harry
APerfectTool42: think about happy stuff
APerfectTool42: like purple giraffes with speech problems
violetcrown21: get out of my head
pandaba75: but it's FURNISHED
violetcrown21: can stay for tonight. but after that, you're gonna have to pay rent
SO nonsensical right now.
I'll probably come back and delete this later.