well first off it sure the heck did not sound like you were sticking up for me and it is spelled wrong "cutty" it anyone called me that.i would not tlak to them i would scream at them it is cutie nad no i dont know why and now ashley and meg's call me that. and sicnce im not writting a report for english calls i could care less about my spellnig beucase i was in the spellnig bee last year and i could not care less about periods and making evrything in one sentance like thsi one for example. thsi is why i dont like lj or QAIM beucase when ytuor not tlkaing to them yuo cant undersatnd how they're saynig it. if there mad or sad. i plus i dont need anyone to stick up for me! so dont bother or try to. and since yuo cant tell how im sayingg this im not mad and this coversation involved no yelling.
well you could have told me it said "cutie" from my first question and we would not have had to drag out this argument. and you should worry about, im not telling you that this is english class, but it wud b so much easier on everybodies eyes if you learned to TYPE. not SPELL. I know that u were in the spelling bee. I dont care. You should take the time to write these out and thats y i know you arent thinking at that moment because if you did think about what you were typing it "wludotn urtn uto klie htis". And i dont care if you need me or not, i will stick up for friends. Even if they only talk to me when they have something to say, and ignore me when I do.
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