Title: An End Has a Start
Rating: R
A/N: This is pretty much the last part. I may do an epilogue at some point, but this is the end. And before anyone says anything about the ending seeming rushed, that's because it is. This story was never about the demons and monsters, it was about Seth and Ryan being depressing and that's pretty much over, so this
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Comments 18
Love Ryan, “I haven’t had sex in a couple months, can we talk after?” LOL. So them.
Thanks for finishing this one.
I guess it's like when people move out of the area and then come back to stock up on Tastykakes.
Now I kind of want a Kandy Kake.
I like the way you write. I've read a lot of your fics and if I don't like them, I love them. I feel kind of guilty for not letting you know sooner... when I first picked up fanfiction as a hobby I lurked a lot. You're awesome! In all honesty, I think that if it weren't for your fabulous work (among that of others) I wouldn't have picked up writing fanfics myself.
Thanks for all that you do.
(Hope you're not peeved that this is more of a general comment as opposed to something that focuses on this fic but I just felt like getting this out there.)
Thanks so much for the comment! It always makes me happy to know that people enjoy my stuff.
(And yes, now I see you've written things. I should really check my Friends page more often...)
Thanks for reading!
Yet, I still sense a depressed Ryan...so, maybe not all the way over?
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