May 05, 2004 10:42

This is such a great way to kill time... being in charge makes me sexier I think...

Basic Info...

Name: Mamie
Age: 19
Sex: constantly if I could... haha female
Location: Jersey now, PA during the summers
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Allergies: penicillin, sulfa drugs, milk, nickel, grass, & spermicide I AM SO COOL!



Band: today it's the Smashing Pumpkins b/c they're original & inspired all kinds of current artists.
Book: The last time I had time to read & like it, I was really into Nancy Drew... my fav would have to be the "Mystery of the Lilac Inn"
Movie: Fight Club b/c Brad Pitt is awesome & b/c I like violence & b/c symbolism turns me on & there's a lot of it in this movie
Song: Ben Jelen's "Come On" just b/c I'd do him for knowing a girl wants to live a fairytale
CD: "Dizzy Up the Girl" by the GooGoo Dolls just b/c every song is awesome
Childhood Memory: Rugby parties are the best part of my childhood. Particulary the one where all the old men (I was under 9 at the time) striped down to shower in beer. My mother promtly removed me to the front of the bar, out of the private room where the party was hoppin, to play pinball.
Least Favorite Band: Any artist who was on American Idol & "made it big", just b/c I listen to some of them sometimes does NOT mean I like them AT ALL.


What are 5 things you can't live without?
- My allergy meds at the moment...
- A hair tie
- Flipflops
- My cellphone (I hate it though)
- Being clean, I am so OCD about my body being clean & showered that it's not funny. I also couldn't live w/o my face wash...

What do you do when you're bored: I talk a lot & smoke more cigs than normal

Do you know how to milk a cow? Yes, I learned on a fake cow at an amusement park called "Dutch Wonderland." In case you're wondering: the Dutch are AMISH which I know is a source of amusement to ppl from Jersey & Long Island.

Would you sleep with me for a dollar? Well, since I know you, you don't have to pay me at all to sleep w/you b/c you're so sexy.

If you could be any shoe... what would it be/why? Post a picture of it: I would be a flipflop b/c I love them & I'm a "free spirit" or something so I hate socks. Plus, I concentrate better when I can take my shoes off.

What's your GPA? Not sure right now b/c I still have an incomplete from last semester so I have to go crash her final in an hr b/c she won't talk to me.

What are your best and worst features? My best feature is my sense of humor b/c I crack ppl up & I'm really random. My worst feature is that I talk too much & sometimes ppl get pissed at me b/c I don't think about what I'm saying, so I don't say exactly what I mean.

How do you feel about guys with platinum hair? Platinum hair does NOTHING for me. Eminem is sexy though. I will say though: "THEIR LOVE IS ETNERAL"

Orlando Bloom as Legolas, Will Turner, or Paris? How about, Orlando Bloom taking me out for drinks & then snuggling in my bed... if I had to pick though, Orlando Bloom as Will Turner.

Have you ever had a beverage come out your nose/explain? I've had everything come out my nose: beer, milk, water, soda, etc. My friends wait to make a joke until I'm drinking apparently. One time it was so bad in the caf though b/c this whole table of boys started cracking up at me & I was a freshman so it was really embarrassing.

What do you want to do with your life? I want to be a hobo. I don't think there are enough of them left in the world.

Would you sleep with me for a million dollars? I'm so sexy that you'd pay me a million dollars to do you hehe!

If you could be anywhere in the world right now..where would it be/why? I would be in Paris b/c I love it there & everyone I know is there w/their families for summer break. Plus, omg is the food AMAZING & I hate our school caf!

What's your biggest acheivement so far in life? Filling out this damn application, you were right, it's mad long.

If you could meet anyone.. alive or dead.. who would it be? I'd wanna be alive for Beatle-mania & meet all 4 Beatles, but I'm not going to single out John Lennon b/c I'm still mad at Yuko Uno.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done? There's a lot of long, involved stories I could write here but they all start "So I had a few drinks &..." so if you're really interested, ask me & I'll tell you what I remember.

If you could do one thing to Britney Spears.. what would it be? I'd wanna poke her boobs to see if they were real.


What are your thoughts on:

Alcohol/drugs: Give me a holla!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I plead the 5th since I live w/Buffy's biggest fan.
The Red Sox: HA HA HA
Abortion: Not as birth control, but I'd use it at this point in my life. None of that partial birth crap though.
Accents: Apparently I have one but I never notice them.
Homosexual marriage: YAY everyone should be happy, it's all about equality before the law anyways...
Sorority girls: they're alright on a case by case basis, but I'm writing off the Phi's
The word 'panties': *giggle giggle snort* I always laugh on the inside when I say 'panties'I am SO immature.
Religion: personal so I don't wanna hear about it


And lastly...

Why do you feel like you should get voted in? I'm already in nah nah nah but I should get voted in b/c I'm super awesome & cute

Promote this community: In my LJ, username: Mamie


My lil sister & I last summer.

Me making a random face (on right) w/Adam this summer.

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