
Oct 07, 2004 08:14

a lot of change is happening, a lot of growing up too fast is taking place. we've been in our bodies for an average of 16 years and 353 days between the two of us, and half of us is jumping ahead about 730 days. i feel like i still need to have my mom write me notes in my lunches that she still packs for me everyday, and you are ready to buy your ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

emergantservant October 7 2004, 15:18:07 UTC
Don't worry about growing up fast, you don't need to catch up. It all goes fast enough. Believe me there are times when I wish my mom still packed me lunch. She'll be o.k. but life is a lot harder than you think when you try to skip ahead. You guys are in our prayers!


emergantservant October 7 2004, 15:29:06 UTC
What are you guys planning for your b-days, any ideas?:)


pattydamick October 7 2004, 16:52:13 UTC
Sorry to hear youre goin through alot. Just remember that jr year is one of the years you start to realize the person youre going to be for a long time. So stay true to yourself, and ore importantly God. I was reading some phillosophy the other day, and hteo nly good thing in life is good will. if yo uhave good will, then you are set for life. PS, i think i saw you at young life the other day, and thats awesome rayi s finally gettin off the ground ( i was the one leading hte game w/ becca). So keep your head up, its just life.


aqui_aqui October 7 2004, 21:30:45 UTC
tomorrow = spice girls dance party / making fart noises / popcicles and zebra cakes / SILLY FACE SHOWDOWN


thimk October 8 2004, 11:10:19 UTC
PB 'n J's are inexpensive.

I remember having the same shock you're having now. The truth is though, being out on your own is a lot of fun. Don't worry about a thing.


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