Crystal Method Flyer Yesterday turned out to be a great day for me. Everyone was smiling and seemed pretty happy which is always a plus. I nagged at Mike about the Crystal Method show and he ended up saying you know what fuck it! let's go. It was fun as hell. Though they did take forever to get on stage, 10:30. Which is fine because the djs they
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Something has been missing from the last couple of weeks and I have no idea what. The days haven't felt complete. All at the same time I've been learning alot of stuff about myself and also about life in general. I figure all I have is myself and nothing in life is fair. Life is what you make it though but I find it funny how the bad things stick
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Here are some pictures that were taken about a month ago. 1 black and white roll, 1 color. It's mainly just a bunch of pics of Me... Mike... and Chris goofin around. :)
33 Pics
I'm so happy I have a scanner I can use now. My Mom went to Japan for 2 weeks a while ago and she took a shitload of pictures. She came across this couple @ The Imperial Palace and thought of me lmao, so she took a pic!