the show was awesome... Days Away was alright and Mae was good but RXB and SoCo were fucken great!
friday, i went to mimis with my sister and some people for my sisters best friends bday dinner and then we went to the movies and saw Elf which was good was not as funny as i thought it would be.
HOLY PUCKER POPS its staci's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY STACI!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday because you deserve it. I am so glad that we are friends cuz we have had some great memories like car carts and our supermarket fun. anyways i love ya and happy birthday again. <3michelle
i just got home from MA's like best performance..good job guys and i already told you in the car happy birthday but i felt like saying it here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JON AND BRIAN. love you both sooo much more then i can say or write.
on a lower note i have a fucken bad headache that i have had since like 9 and it wont go away
to my friends(you know who im talking about) im sorry for being such a shitty friend. i cant change the mistakes ive made. i know im a bad friend and im really sorry. even tho a sorry isnt much and wont change anything, i just hope u forgive me. i love you guys and thanks for everything you have done for me. michelle