no my foots not broken I just have 11 pairs of socks on... not sure waht kinda sledding I thought I was doing?
haha caitlin!
ok... I don't know why I post these ones... The flash was bright GOD!... ummm scratch me from that... sarah's a cutie!
Caitlin rocking her pink boa... pre snowgear...
yeah pretty much
random I know...
even more random... I still know
me and Caitlin... trying to be cool like Jared...
we got yo ass!
Caitlin's HARDCORE skills
who are we?...
That's all fuckers!
I will post more later when I get the chance... now I have to go iron... and get to bed "early" so I can go to school tomorrow (for the 1st time in 3 days lol) k thanks bye