Title: Untitled
Author: xwrackspurt
Rating: G
Prompt set: 50.4 (
Prompt table)
Prompt: 020 - talk
Word count: 1354
Warnings: BOOK 7 SPOILERS.
Summary: Nineteen years later, Ginny has a talk with someone she hasn't spoken to in twenty years.
The Hogwarts Express had left the station some minutes before but still Ginny Potter stood on the platform staring into the distance, as if hoping to catch another glimpse of her two sons who were now heading off to Hogwarts. Little Albus just about to start his first year and James who would be starting his second.
“You alright, Ginny?” asked Harry.
“I’ll be fine. I just worry about him, he seemed so scared this morning. I just think I need some time alone, you should head back home with Lily,” she looked over at her daughter who had wandered off to another part of the platform, “and I’ll follow in a bit.”
“But we came in the car. How will you get back?”
“I can apparate.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later then.” Harry sounded unsure about whether he should leave her or not.
Ginny watched as Harry and Lily went through the barrier and then let out a sigh of relief. She felt guilty for thinking it but sometimes she wished what life would have been like if she hadn’t married Harry. It had only been a few months after they had got back together after the Battle of Hogwarts when they had been married and sometimes she felt that she had just thrown away a huge chunk of her life. She didn’t regret some things, she loved her children dearly but there was always that nagging feeling in the back of her head.
Her stomach decided at that moment to growl, letting her know that it needed feeding and that she should go and get something to eat. A coffee wouldn’t be a bad idea either and she just happened to know a small little café not far from Kings Cross. As she set off, she failed to see the person watching her with curious eyes.
* * *
She ordered herself a coffee and a slice of fruit cake and took a seat by the window. She was soon lost in her thoughts and didn’t notice when a man sat down opposite her until he coughed to get her attention.
She looked up and realising who it was that had coughed she frowned.
“What the hell do you want, Malfoy?”
“Now, now Weasley…”
“Potter,” she snapped, “it’s Potter now.”
“I think I’ll call you Weasley. I don’t want to be reminded of him right now.”
“He saved your life!”
“And for that I am grateful, but that doesn’t mean I like him.”
“What did you want?”
“To talk.” he said.
Ginny was confused. She hadn’t spoken to Malfoy in twenty years, since her fifth year and his sixth year and they hadn’t exactly talked in a friendly way then. She had accepted that he wasn’t evil but she was still wary of him.
“Why would you want to talk to me?”
He answered with a shrug as he leant back in his chair, his blond hair falling across his face. Harry had gone on about how Malfoy had a receding hairline but Ginny couldn’t see it. She supposed that Harry just wanted a little dig about him and couldn’t think of anything better to say.
“Where’s your wife then? Surely she wouldn’t want you talking to anyone like me.”
“She’s gone back to the Manor, and it’s none of her business who I talk to.”
“Who is she anyway. I didn’t recognise her so she can’t have gone to Hogwarts.”
“Daphne Greengrass, and she did go to Hogwarts but she stayed out of everything. Didn’t make any trouble so you probably didn’t see her around very much.”
“I thought you’d marry Parkinson. She was always hanging all over you at Hogwarts, and you seemed to enjoy it.”
“We were just friends, well we were until she ran off at the battle and then I never saw her again. I don’t even know if she’s dead or alive.”
He had a sad expression on his face and Ginny couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. It must be awful not knowing if someone you cared about died or lived. At least with Fred she had known that he had died, she had seen his body and although it was devastating for her and the rest of the family at least they had known, been able to give him a proper burial and there was no wondering. Pansy Parkinson may have been a bitch but he still had cared about her.
“I couldn’t imagine not knowing what happened to anyone I cared about.”
“You lost so many people in the war, surely that’s just as bad? Your family broken and your friends dead.”
“The deaths hurt, but at least I knew what had happened, even if it did hurt.”
“What happened to your brother - the twin that survived?”
She couldn’t believe that he was taking an interest in her family but she found herself pouring out everything even though her head was telling her not to.
“George was never the same again. They were so close and after what happened to Fred - he just wasn’t interested in anything anymore. It was like he was missing a limb or something, they were always joined at the hip and then suddenly he was gone. He did become really close to Percy though, they seemed to at least partly understand each other, I mean Percy was there when it happened and he was devastated. Just made up with Fred and then that happens right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
“I don’t know what I’d have done if any member of my family died.”
“But Bellatrix…”
“I meant my parents. I didn’t really know Aunt Bella that well, she was in Azkaban for most of my life.”
“So, your son is starting Hogwarts this year?” Ginny tried to change the subject to something more cheerful.
“Yes. Scorpius will be a first year. So how many of your children are at Hogwarts now?”
“Two. Albus is going to be a first year and James is going into his second year. Lily has to wait another two years and it’s not something she’s pleased about. She wants to be at Hogwarts with her brothers and cousins.”
“Lots of Weasley cousins then?”
“Well, Rose - Ron and Hermione’s oldest is starting her first year and Victoire, Bill and Fleur’s daughter is in her final year now. And Percy’s son will be in his fourth year.”
“I was expecting more than that.”
“Yeh, well Charlie never married and George can’t hold down a relationship long enough to get married and have kids.”
She looked up and saw that his eyes were fixed on her.
“Why are you still here, Malfoy? You’ve barely spoken to me in your life and -”
She was cut off when he placed his lips upon hers and kissed her. Her head was screaming at her to break the kiss, hex him and run off but there was something stopping her from doing that. She was finally getting a taste of what life would have been like without Harry and she was finding that she liked it, even though she shouldn’t. She’d been married 17 years and had three kids, she couldn’t be doing this! She pushed him away and stared at him in shock.
“What was that for? We’re both happily married with kids!”
“We’re both married but it would be a lie to say that they are happy marriages.”
“I am happily married, thank you.”
“Oh really? That’s not the impression I got when I saw you and Potter at the station, I’ve seen many unhappy marriages in my life so I think I’d know.”
“You don’t know anything! Harry’s perfect, he’s so considerate and…”
Draco raised an eyebrow and Ginny turned red, got up and walked out of the café. How had he known that she wasn’t entirely happy with Harry?
As he watched her walk away he knew that it wasn’t the last time he’d see Ginny Weasley and the next time he did see her, he’d make sure that she never forgot it.
Sorry for any rubbish spelling and grammar. I'm really tired but I can't sleep, haven't had any sleep since 7am Friday morning and now it's 2.45 Sunday morning.