Title: Happy Bubble Time pairing: haehyuk rating:R-17 gerne: SMUT, humor beta by Soketsu THANKS MY LOVE<3 Request fic for fishydotlove told me an idea about Hae getting jealous about eunmin then I remember
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i like this bath smut.. and heechul and kangi should be really pleased with themselves fooling innocent hae.. i guess Hae's not innocent when it comes to relationships..
I'm soooo HAPPY with you comment!! Thank you so much!! I'm glad my fic make you feeling better soon! oh..is there smut contest going now??the one in HaeHyuk Autumn Contest? if it's then I didn't join because it wasn't autumn is this... and I wasn't think it was good enough XD But when you said it's hot I'm feeling more confident now!
Comments 53
Thank you so much for reading and comment!!<3333
i like this bath smut.. and heechul and kangi should be really pleased with themselves fooling innocent hae.. i guess Hae's not innocent when it comes to relationships..
Yayy Hae seem innocent but not Hyukjae!
I glad you like it and Thank you so much!!
*hug so tight*
yay for baths :D and bathroom sex lol
so hot...
eunhae love ♥
bathroom sex is GOD! XDDDD
I'm glad you like it!
eunhae love too♥
(The comment has been removed)
I'm soooo HAPPY with you comment!!
Thank you so much!!
I'm glad my fic make you feeling better soon!
oh..is there smut contest going now??the one in HaeHyuk Autumn Contest?
if it's then I didn't join because it wasn't autumn is this...
and I wasn't think it was good enough XD
But when you said it's hot I'm feeling more confident now!
Thank you so much again!!*hugs*
EunMin --> LESBIAN
ROFL xp..i think it suits them..
Shindong amazingly catch it all by using only his mouth,
Special Talent?
Donghae really never had PATIENCE
smut scene..*nosebleeds*
and to sum it up...you just corrupted a minor's mind here *points at self*
Heechul just burst out in laughed pushing Hankyun's face into his breakfast for no reason.
nice move HeeChul
YES Eunmin is Lesbian!!! XDDDDDD
Awwww*hug on you*
we all pervert here BB
Thank you so much<33333
*hugs you back*
OMG I'm pervert too? I've been exposed..*runs*
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