Title: Why he never Drinks
Genre: Smut, Crack
Rating: NC-17
Waring: Sex toy(again) Food sex(again)
Donghae's side
Herebeta by
hitsugaya15 and
inuvampy Addicate to
inuvampy since I got this when she show me this
I'm sorry Hyukkie, but I'm really hungry now. )
Comments 101
i can't stop laughing when imagined our hyukie was drunk~oo he must be very cute in my opinion
what can i say about fishy :"> he is so evil and pervert ~~ poor my hyukie
i really want to know what will member do with them =)) it will be interesting , right???
now i got sick because of some medical examination but this fic make me feel relax ♫♫~~ i love this fic so much and love you too ♫♫‼
Thank you so much♥
Ahahaha you can't stop laughing? XDDDD
Yeah I bet he would be really cute too<333
and that fish always pervert as always XD
Poor Hyuk always have to handle that XD
Yeah, I think it will interesting too and I would wonder how can those HaeHyuk CP still survive after that XDDDD
Awwwww you are sick :(
I'm so glad it make you feel better!!!*hug*
I love you too and please rest a lot OK?
and please take care of yourself
Really . . . (Happy christmas to you~!)
I love the end! <3
*put you back to life*
Aww<3 Happy christmas to you too!!
and I'm so happy you love the ending!!
Thank you so much for reading and comment<3
been waiting for this!! AH!
But this's hilarious smut. And you know what...I LOVE IT!!
Work more! LOL. :D
ad KYAAAAA I'm so glad you LOVE it!!
Yes, I would love to work more!!
Btw I saw you wrote Journal about golden cage and I want to Thanks you so much!!
but I couldn't comment so I'm want to Thanks you here
Thank you so much!!!8DDD *hug*
So Hot and funny!!!
"THERE IS TITANIC IN THE DVD PLAYER!" Yesung randomly yelled as he felt like he needed to say something --> utter win!!
Yesung always become weird in my fic XDD
I don't know why too XDDDDD
Thank you so much for comment and reading<3
the part with donghae and his titanic was darn hilarious!!XD
and the last part really cracks me up!!XD
this is <3 <3 <3~
I got Dongahe with Titanic idea from EHP when Eunhae was doing titanic and in full house where Donghae was howing his Titanic DVD LOLLL
Thank you for reading and comment so much<333
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