Aug 12, 2004 12:19
umm yesterday i spent the night at kwa's and skated and i fell and did osme mad penny grinding......and kwa just spent the night and im watching maury "romantic lovers and somethign else" haha so ya w/e im so fucking bored.....is anyoen going to the movies tommorrow....well call me sometime
ok ya w/e lates
Aug 06, 2004 23:58
since a fellow meany head is being a meany head i have to once again post a new fucking w/e again all because im a copy catter fuck that what if im a copy dogger
do situps naked skate in yoru boxers life live with your dick in yoru own ass fuckers haha best song in the world and if your a dumbshity enought o think thats a song your one fucked up
Aug 06, 2004 23:55
sorry i forgot to post this in the one before this but hey everyone try doign sit ups naked haha its so funn
ya so w/e lates
Aug 06, 2004 23:52
umm today was ok i guess i woke up at 3:30 and worked all day did some stuff on a fence on the house worked on my dads car slkated buncha crap...........now its 11:53 gm and im talkign to lauren and ya we are lookign at pplz pics and stuff and i was watching x games stuff on the internet and ya so today was a good day i suppose
ya so w/e lates
Aug 02, 2004 20:41
huba huba huplaaaaaa....
today kwa and i went surfing ya it was fun thwe waves were ok i guess then the funnnn fuckign sdtarted we went to a diner place called woodys haha and my dad and chris ordered up some big ketchup covered woodys haha that was sooo fuckign funny omfg so many memories will be from tonight haha so fun no babes just some on my
Jul 30, 2004 23:29
today i had a party......did some stuff got sent home..life is good life is great im super horny and want to get butt raped by a large inmate
Jul 30, 2004 23:29
today i had a party......did some stuff got sent home..life is good life is great im super horny and want to get butt raped by a large inmate