33 Random things about me

Jan 24, 2005 18:47

1. I love when people disagree with me, because I love arguing. But I hate when they dont even lisen to you, and they think theyre 100% right. Because then theyre just plain stupid ( Read more... )

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Comments 38

_______jackkkie January 25 2005, 02:22:47 UTC
dude taylor.
that made me laugh so hard.
idk why. it was just funny ♥

lol i can agree with almost everything.

17. I lie ALOT . that one made me smile.

i love ya taylah.


xx_blondi_xx January 25 2005, 02:28:11 UTC
Haha, it made you laugh?
Im glad♥♥

I do lie alot=)
I think Im like obsessive compulsive.

I love you


anonymous January 25 2005, 02:29:30 UTC
Some of the things you say...

Because then theyre just plain stupid
One day theyll get shot.
Because birds are the freaking devil.
I like freaking out on people, because they get all scared and scrunch up.

Are just plain funny.

never change Taylor.. youre seriously one of the coolest girls around.


xx_blondi_xx January 25 2005, 02:30:36 UTC
I love you sweet anonymous people
If someone who doesnt know me reads this, theyll probably think Im physco.
Maybe I am...

But thanks=)


tanhunni65 January 25 2005, 02:37:40 UTC
hmm lets see how much Taylor and Jordan have in common♥

3. 3. I hate when people take pictures of themselves and you can see their arm in ..lmao i do that
5. I love when people are touchy feely.
8. I love cussing.
12. I hate when guys are immature and their like, "Really hard! HAHA! 6969! OMGOMG!". One day theyll get shot.
^I will be the first one to shoot them
17. I lie ALOT ...we all learned that when my mom called
32. I love watching movies.

Well actually i'm like almost all of yours but..not really at the same time..if you get what i'm saying????

♥♥♥♥ I love you ♥♥♥♥



xx_blondi_xx January 25 2005, 02:41:05 UTC
Yeah, you could probably say that were like long lost triplets... but the triplet died so were now twins??

I love you Jo



_______jackkkie January 25 2005, 04:09:03 UTC
okay i'll point out the ones WE have in common ♥

2. I hate when people spell theyre/there/their wrong. We learned it in 2nd grade
3. I hate when people take pictures of themselves and you can see their arm in it. Because thats just stupid.
4. I dont like when people copy me too much.
5. I love when people are touchy feely.
6. I hate when theyre paranoid, and wont let you touch them
11. I love when its really quiet, and you arent aloud to laugh outloud, so you have to keep it in and its extremely hard.
14. I love Bananas
17. I lie ALOT .. were all lie to our parents ♥
19. I love YOUR sister.
20. I love YOUR sisters freinds... yes they are cool.
29. Im happy right now. I dont want it to change.
32. I love watching movies.
33. I cuddle. And if you dont cuddle back, you cant be my friend.♥♥

lol =]
yeah we're cool ♥


_______jackkkie January 25 2005, 04:09:22 UTC
**we all lie to our parents **


kissmeifyoucan1 January 25 2005, 04:10:34 UTC
5. I love when people are touchy feely.
6. I hate when theyre paranoid, and wont let you touch them
psh you must hate me:(


xx_blondi_xx January 25 2005, 04:13:55 UTC
You let Me touch you.
Because we are in love.
Therefore I dont hate you =)


beautifuletdwn1 January 25 2005, 04:18:22 UTC
I think you should just write a book...i would buy it!
so would martha...


xx_blondi_xx January 25 2005, 04:20:22 UTC
HEY! I probalbly could write a book.
And it would be like #1 best seller...

I would have to say. I love you=)


ljpromosx January 25 2005, 04:35:34 UTC

... )


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