1. I love when people disagree with me, because I love arguing. But I hate when they dont even lisen to you, and they think theyre 100% right. Because then theyre just plain stupid
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Because then theyre just plain stupid One day theyll get shot. Because birds are the freaking devil. I like freaking out on people, because they get all scared and scrunch up.
Are just plain funny.
never change Taylor.. youre seriously one of the coolest girls around.
hmm lets see how much Taylor and Jordan have in common♥
3. 3. I hate when people take pictures of themselves and you can see their arm in ..lmao i do that 5. I love when people are touchy feely. 8. I love cussing. 12. I hate when guys are immature and their like, "Really hard! HAHA! 6969! OMGOMG!". One day theyll get shot. ^I will be the first one to shoot them 17. I lie ALOT ...we all learned that when my mom called 27. IM FRIGGIN AWESOME. Ha<3 32. I love watching movies.
Well actually i'm like almost all of yours but..not really at the same time..if you get what i'm saying????
2. I hate when people spell theyre/there/their wrong. We learned it in 2nd grade 3. I hate when people take pictures of themselves and you can see their arm in it. Because thats just stupid. 4. I dont like when people copy me too much. 5. I love when people are touchy feely. 6. I hate when theyre paranoid, and wont let you touch them 11. I love when its really quiet, and you arent aloud to laugh outloud, so you have to keep it in and its extremely hard. 14. I love Bananas 17. I lie ALOT .. were all lie to our parents ♥ 19. I love YOUR sister. 20. I love YOUR sisters freinds... yes they are cool. 29. Im happy right now. I dont want it to change. 32. I love watching movies. 33. I cuddle. And if you dont cuddle back, you cant be my friend.♥♥
Comments 38
that made me laugh so hard.
idk why. it was just funny ♥
lol i can agree with almost everything.
17. I lie ALOT . that one made me smile.
i love ya taylah.
Im glad♥♥
I do lie alot=)
I think Im like obsessive compulsive.
I love you
Because then theyre just plain stupid
One day theyll get shot.
Because birds are the freaking devil.
I like freaking out on people, because they get all scared and scrunch up.
Are just plain funny.
never change Taylor.. youre seriously one of the coolest girls around.
If someone who doesnt know me reads this, theyll probably think Im physco.
Maybe I am...
But thanks=)
3. 3. I hate when people take pictures of themselves and you can see their arm in ..lmao i do that
5. I love when people are touchy feely.
8. I love cussing.
12. I hate when guys are immature and their like, "Really hard! HAHA! 6969! OMGOMG!". One day theyll get shot.
^I will be the first one to shoot them
17. I lie ALOT ...we all learned that when my mom called
32. I love watching movies.
Well actually i'm like almost all of yours but..not really at the same time..if you get what i'm saying????
♥♥♥♥ I love you ♥♥♥♥
I love you Jo
2. I hate when people spell theyre/there/their wrong. We learned it in 2nd grade
3. I hate when people take pictures of themselves and you can see their arm in it. Because thats just stupid.
4. I dont like when people copy me too much.
5. I love when people are touchy feely.
6. I hate when theyre paranoid, and wont let you touch them
11. I love when its really quiet, and you arent aloud to laugh outloud, so you have to keep it in and its extremely hard.
14. I love Bananas
17. I lie ALOT .. were all lie to our parents ♥
19. I love YOUR sister.
20. I love YOUR sisters freinds... yes they are cool.
29. Im happy right now. I dont want it to change.
32. I love watching movies.
33. I cuddle. And if you dont cuddle back, you cant be my friend.♥♥
lol =]
yeah we're cool ♥
6. I hate when theyre paranoid, and wont let you touch them
psh you must hate me:(
You let Me touch you.
Because we are in love.
Therefore I dont hate you =)
so would martha...
And it would be like #1 best seller...
I would have to say. I love you=)
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