
Feb 01, 2005 13:44

I'm home.

And I think Let Me Love You has been on 6 times...


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Comments 9

babydegu February 1 2005, 21:15:37 UTC
Awwww I'm sorry your sick hun



xx_blondi_xx February 1 2005, 22:52:03 UTC


anonymous February 1 2005, 23:22:28 UTC
i just wanted to tell you that you make so many people happy and you dont even know it. just by being you and being happy and bouncing around it puts a smile on a lot of faces. keep being you and dont let people get you down.

its so quiet when youre gone.


xx_blondi_xx February 1 2005, 23:23:49 UTC
Thank you♥♥
I know that i make people smile, thats my gift, but i think sometimes people get annoyed of me?
And I think I love you.

Ill be back tomorrow.. dont worry.


sunnything23 February 1 2005, 23:40:23 UTC
that song make me laugh...ahahhbahfbhabfhabfhbsfbs yeahe you know that was a good time :-D


tanhunni65 February 1 2005, 23:56:12 UTC
I missed you so much
I really havent talked to you in like 3 days and i wont see you until friday?

Agh feel beeter love♥

I love the love thing that has been up♥

Love always


xx_blondi_xx February 2 2005, 00:28:00 UTC
I missed you this week
But Friday... will be off the hizzle.

I love you♥


tanhunni65 February 2 2005, 03:17:38 UTC
yess this Friday we will actually have to hang out♥♥
Love it thee greatest


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