Title: wake me up
Fandom/Pairing: Danny Phantom, DannyxSam
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 137
Sam woke up with a smile on her face. She stretched luxuriously on the bed with a huge, refreshing yawn. Her eyes remained closed as her hands softly ran themselves through her hair, gently taking out the knots from a night of rest, and slid down the rest of her body, the feel of her soft pajamas pressing against her skin, sending delightful shivers up and down her spine.
Her eyes opened slowly, a glowing green quickly changing to a soft violet.
Sam rolled on to her back, only to be looking into said green eyes as a white-haired figure floated above her.
“Good morning, you,” she said with a raised eyebrow.
Danny quickly transformed back and stood next to her bed, his now blue eyes trained upon the ceiling. Then finally, with a smirk, “Good morning.”