Title: Running Away
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter, Harry/Hermione
It were the moments where Hermione would abandon her notes and research, ink splattering on the parchment as she hastily drops her quill and pages ruffling from her dashing form.
Neither one of them remembers exactly how it started. All they know is that they just keep doing it.
Living in a world full of secrets and lies, it didn’t seem important that they were living a secret (or a lie) themselves.
They were running away. They were escaping.
With brushes of lips, clashes of teeth and tongues, pants and moans, whispered nothings and the slide of skin. For once, they were free- they could soar- they were together. No boundaries, no limits, no Voldemort. They believed it was simple.
But it was so far from that.
They believed it was purely physical. Emotions only get in the way anyhow.
Yet whenever Ron flirts with her, touches her in a slightly more-than-friends manner, Harry can’t help but feel something boil beneath his skin. Almost every time that happens, he pulls her along for another one of their ‘moments’ and reminds her whose name she chants desperately.
They don’t talk about it. Pretending like it never happens is the best way to go about it. Yet every day, Hermione can’t help but wonder if it’s Ginny he’s thinking about. Every day she wonders if he sees her only as a convenient warm body that happens to be around in his time of need. Every moment she has with him, she tries to make sure that he’ll never forget her.