A- Age of your first kiss: Six. First real one with a boyfriend? Fifteen.
B- Band/artist you are listening to right now: Incubus.
C- Crush: Myself. Ha.
D- Dad's name: Jeff.
E- Easiest person to talk to: Lots. Mostly Candice, I suppose.
F- Favorite ice cream: Anything caramely.
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Bears, so I can dismember them.
H- Hometown: Snoho/Everett.
I- Instruments: Piano, harmonica, bongos (not saying much), and for good measure, the kazoo.
J- Junior high: Voyager, Centennial.
K- Kids: N/A.
L- Longest car ride: Drove from Little Rock to Grandma's house in Clearview nonstop for three days when I was six. Oddly enough, I remember it.
M- Mom's name: Sarah.
N- Nicknames: La La, Kia Maria Abregetti, Short Blonde Chick, Carl, Bob, Sissy... yes.
O- One wish: Whirled peas.
P- Phobia: I'm claustrophic. Oh yeah. Go me.
Q- Quote: "I love being bathed in the sink. Such a feeling of... security."
R- Reason to smile: I saw mis buddies today.
S- Song you sang last: Yellow Submarine.
T- Time you woke up today: 10:15. I heard Jim say, "They're still asleep? Welcome to teenage life, EJ..."
U- Unknown fact about me: I have thirteen STDs.
V- Vegetable[s] you hate: Squash is kind of funky.
W- Worst habit: I can't make decisions.
X- X-rays you've had: Teeth... yeah, I think that's it.
Y - Years since you've been to church: A long time. I've had some not-so-comfortable experiences at such places.
Z- Zodiac sign: Leo.