aww look at da baby...
haha lol i so love that kid!!!(ex boifreind)
such a babe woah...(new boifreind)lol
why i took that pic i uno... i was so bored at my grandma's
aww thier so cute... lil brother big brother...(lol that day was awsome)
my butt is so not big... correction tess my GLUTEOUS MAXIMUS(however you sepll it lol)
my cuzn took this picture... why i dnt noe????
that day was awsome... A" i love ya gurl... i go for the dior and chanel not bonne bell... sowwies lol
nina and i on our adverture in da "jag"... lol hela's driving is the
i got bored so i had to take that pic
graduating men of '!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (JK JK LOVE YOU GUYS)
krystal see's the light...lmao so people who have espn see god huh????
nina and da babys at joes house...(that nite was fukn awsome)