Saturday April 16th
Caught the bus as the trains were out to central with melon where we then walked to Town Hall.
Why? Because we were meeting up with Shaz and Dani there...Why? BECAUSE THE COPS WERE PLAYING FOR FREE AT JB HI-FI !!!!
Sorry they're all squished. Anyway we got front row, mainly because we showed up early and the other people in the store had no idea who the cops actually were. So i was able to take some pics of our happy little band ^_^
They played for about an hour which was awesome especially because they started off the with Foxtrot Yankee my faveourite song!!
And thats that!! After they finished playing we shook hands with them all and i got them to sign my cd !! Once on the book and once on the cover because shaz forgot hers!! Oh and i also bought 100% authentic manga [ the book said so]
Sunday 17th April
Yeah so we played soccer bla bla ... GAME FINSHED!! We ran to the toilets [me, nix, shaz & dani] and got changed -- Nix without her socks, Dani and her still perfect hair and me and Shaz with our uber cool laces and kurt shoes!! Shannon's dad dropped us to sutho and we caught the bus to central which was filled with singing .. namely "NEVER HAD SO MUCH FUN" and "RUSSELL CROWES BAND" Our Frenzal Faves ^_^ .. Once again we had to walk from Central to Town hall where we finally found Clarence street despite the lady telling Dani it was in George street and caught our bus to Dee Why!!
We got off the bus and began to run down the street as we could hear Frenzal playing faintly. As we got there we realised they were playing Russell Crowes Band so we RAN SO FAST into the crowd and began to jump around like the hardcore fans we are =P And what a way for Frenzal wo end their set ... "Never Had So Much Fun" [Maccy sorry we forgot to call] '...I smoked a pack of ciggarettes before midday, coughed up a lung around one..."
After Frenzal finished we hung around close to the stage so we could get good spots for Strung Out .. and we did ^_^ AND THEY WENT OFF!! It was fucking rad!! Unfortunately we lost Dani somewhere along the way and didnt see her until they finished playing, but me Shaz and nix managed to push our way to front and centre ^_^ Nix lost her hair tie. I lost my afi patch but found it and Shaz lost her shoe but found it too so we really didnt lose anything at all!! And just when we thought they were done they came back onstage to throw out their drumsticks, so me being the person i am, ran back into the crowd in an attempt to catch one.. Unfortunately the crowd had become restless so instead of throwing drink bottles began to throw Beer bottles and me and some random guy were hit smack in the back of the head with a long neck, resulting in my head being dizzy for a good hour ^_^
And to finish of the night we ate coconut rice THE END [for a much better account read nikki's
o0_bleeder_0o ]