Mar 18, 2004 01:34
man this fuckin spring break sux im have bin so fuckin bored and idk it just has suck,,,,but i got this bad ass paintball gun its a fuckin autococker fuckin 500 bucks i have fuckin no idea why the fuck i bot it but frankly i have no idea about any thing or why i am writein about what im writeing
Mar 11, 2004 23:43
damn today was crazy i like ohlied the dumpster at homeplace 3 times but faild to ride away all 3 ,,,,,but it was still prety badass ,,,,, ''BLING BLING''
Mar 01, 2004 00:35
to day was koo i did some koo tricks and thats about it when i got home it sux my mom was being the bitch she always is so i rode my bike across the street to clark ,she thought i ran away so she called my dad i came home and,, NOW IM SCREWED
Feb 29, 2004 00:22
yo yo yo whats u every one im just hear drinkin a 32oz BUD mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmits so good , hahahahahaha REAL TV is funny