Football Head (hey arnold)

Jun 10, 2006 01:46




Birthday:July 25th.
Astrology Sign:Leo.
Location:I am moving to Texas in a month.. As of right now I live in Indiana.
Maritial Status: I am as single as anyone could possibly get.
Where did you hear of us: It is a sister of a community I'm in, and was also promoted in my journal.

Part 2.
Favorite Food: I love Chinese, and Moosetracks ice cream.
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice and Freezing cold Cherry Coke.
Favorite Store: Coffee shops, book/music stores, and vintage clothing shops.
Favorite The website is pretty self explainitory and I reccommend you check it out. its incredible. :)
Favorite Bands: Joseph Arthur, JM, Led Zeppelin, Guster, The Who, The Beatles, The Doors, Eric Clapton, Ben Harper.. Basically Indie/Rock/Alternative.
Favorite Songs:Another Kind of Green-JM, Hey Jude-The Beatles, Ten years gone-Zeppelin,Mercedes-Joseph Arhur.
Favorite Place to be:By the ocean, it is a beautiful place to paint and is relaxing.But,I love the snow, I am a cold-person.
Favorite Month: December..(how ironic)
Favorite Season: Winter, And Fall, the leaves are amazing.
Favorite Pass Time: Drawing,running..
Favorite Books:Anything by VC Andrews and Stephen King, Guitar Highway Rose, The Georgia Nicolson series, The Witching Hour..
Favorite Tv Shows:The wonder years, boy meets world, full house.
Favorite Movies:Sixteen candles, benny and joon, A christmas story, Cry Baby, BIG, Empire Records, Back to the future(s), etc.. i love movies.

Part 3.
Some of your hobbies and Interests:I love Art, and hanging out with my best friend calls for a good time.
Are you in school and if so what's your best class:Im moving, so next year i will be "the new kid".I love art, creative writing, and Science. It can be really interesting if you have a good teacher.
Biggest Fear:The Future. I know who I want to be, but its the path of getting there that scares me. There is no guarantee. I guess thats what makes life interesting though.
Something not many people know about you:I am in love with the idea of love. I have yet to experience that, and im anticipating it, even though everyone tells me im not missing out on anything. I just cannot wait to find someone or be found. Being alone sometimes gets a little lonely..
One thing you really hate:Being severely allergic to cats.
One thing you really love:Drawing, its a huge part of me.
The scariest thing thats ever happened to you:Being hit by a car.
The funniest thing that's ever happened to you: My friend pantsed me in front of everyone in public once. However it was more hilarious rather then humiliating.
Do you have a good sence of humor? Tell us a joke:I'd like to think so. Im not a good joke teller, I tell stories.
The Last dream you had: Ah, I dont remember it! But i had one today earlier.
Last nightmare you had: A few months back after watching the Ring.
Most embarrasing moment: Wearing a shirt upside down in the mall without knowing. I felt pretty confident because everyone was staring at me; but that all changed when I looked into the mirror..
What career would you like to go into:My dream career would be being a model. But, realistically id like to do something with my art, or become an orthodonist. Braces changed my life, sappy, but true.
We'll give you some suck up points, what mod do you think you'll like the best?: Im in communities with_kristie_x3, and I like her a lot :). Aside from her I would say emmadapoet.
Make us a banner(it can be a promo,accept//or//denied). If we use it it'll count as 1 yes vote.
I dont have a program to do this, sorry..
Part 4.
Pic four topics and write at least a paragraph on the topic:
(you can pick more then four if you like)
Sex before marriage: I believe if you are emotionally and physically prepared, you may be ready. However, i do not like the fact that there are 12 and 13 year olds out there having sex. Nor do i like when people brag about how many people they have been with.I believe sex is an important and serious issue, at least to me. I think two people who are in love and are ready to take their relationship to the intimate level happened more often. I wish it was a more conservative action, rather then doing it for the feeling.
Gay Marriage:Like everyone says, love is love. So many people are discriminated in relationships for the wrong reasons. Their isnt just one type of companionship.We should all be able to live our lives happily, instead of be ashamed and hide who we are. We all have things about us that others may find wierd or not agree with. But in the end, we are all just people.
War:I belive it is all about the intention. Having the right reason for resulting to war is not enough, the motivation must be appropriate. Motives, such as power, land, ethnic hatred, revenge,etc should be ruled out. The right intention for resulting to war should be secured.If not,moral corruption sets in.
President Bush:
Teen Pregnancy:I think everyone should go through the experience of having a child, but you should be prepared in every aspect. Your whole life changes once you have a child, and i dont think as a teenager you are prepared for that reponsibility.Going through the pregnancy is hard, especially if you arent stable and are going through it alone. However, mistakes happen, and it could possibly be the best one of your life. But we should all enjoy being young while we can.
Sexual/physical/mental abuse:
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Post one 150 x 150 picture of yourself. For the members page incase you get accepted. (if you can't resize, please post what picture you want as a member picture)

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