
Jan 25, 2004 13:14

i'll write about my weekend later..

when i'm not on the phone with leslie

and when i'm more bored.

but at the moment...

i'm just gona rock another quiz.

Series 1 - The Basics
- Name: Anastasia
- Birthdate: August 1st
- Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA
- Current Location: Amherst, MA
- Eye Color: brown
- Hair Color: black/brown
- Righty or Lefty: lefty w00t
- Zodiac Sign: leo
- Innie or Outtie: innie

Series 2 - Descriptions
- Your heritage: italian and greek
- The shoes you wore today: i didnt wear shoes yet today...but if i was going to...my green chucks
- Your hair: hot...but messy...all the time mmm
- Your weaknesses: being a drama queen...and being jealous
- Your fears: losing people i love...and spiders
- Your perfect pizza: SIBIES w00t! (yay peter you put sibies ^.^)
- One thing you'd like to achieve: to get into a fucking band

Series 3 - What is...
- Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: yay or lol/haha
- Your thoughts first waking up: "god damnit"
- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes..or hair
- Your best physical features: uhh...i guess my lips? iunno
- Your bedtime: i go to bed when i'm sleepy
- Your greatest accomplishment: uhh

Series 5 - Do you...
- Smoke: no
- Cuss: yes
- Sing well: people say i do
- Take a shower everyday: usually
- Do you think you've been in love: yea
- Want to go to college: yeah
- Like high school: nope
- Want to get married: yes
- Type with your fingers on the right keys: all the time w00t
- Believe in yourself: not usually
- Get motion sickness: nope
- Think you're attractive: not realy
- Think you're a health freak: nope
- Get along with your parents: eh
- Like thunderstorms: yes
- Play an instrument: guitar

Series 6 - In the past month, did/have you...
- Drank alcohol: no
- Smoke(d): no
- Done a drug: no
- Made Out: yeah
- Go on a date: uh iunno if you would consider it a date
- Go to the mall: last night
- Been on stage: not that i can remember
- Been dumped: no
- Gone skating: no :(
- Made homemade cookies: oh yeah. (ali+anna-"GRANDMA SHAPED COOKIES!")
- Gone skinny dipping: nope its like...3 degrees out
- Dyed your hair: nope ^.^
- Stolen anything: not that i can remember

Series 7 - Have you ever...
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: ...at anna's party kida...forrester took of his pants..if that counts haha.
- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope
- Been caught "doing something": nope!
- Been called a tease: probably
- Gotten beaten up: nope
- Ever shoplifted: yea
- Changed who you were to fit in: hasn't everybody at least once

Series 8 - The Future
- Age you hope to be married: whenever it ends up happening is all good with me
- Numbers and Names of Children: 2...i can't remember the names haha...but...i know i knew them like...last week
- Describe your Dream Wedding: small and at the beach at night with the stars and stuff
- What age do you want to die: i dont know
- Where do you want to go to college: good design schools or culinary arts schools in Boston or New York
- What do you want to be when you grow up: an interior designer or a chef
- What country would you most like to visit: Italy
- Current Clothes: a pittsbugh football tshirt and pj pants...because i'm awsome
- Current Mood: bored..and on the phone with leslie..she's making food for herself
- Current Taste: root beer
- Current Hair: messy and behind my ears
- Current Annoyance: my nose
- Current Smell: whatever my brother is cooking for himself
- Current thing you ought to be doing: sleeping
- Current Desktop Picture: pictures of Adam from TBS, pictures of Nate from Finch and pictures of that guy from MCR
- Current Favorite Groups: agh there are too many
- Current Book: i dont read.
- Current DVD In Player: i dont have a dvd :(
- Current Worry: none ^.^
- Current Crush: if you know me...then you probably know
- Current Favorite Celebrity: eh.

name four bad habits you have:
1. being a drama queen
2. worrying about stuff
3. being jealous
4. being clumsy

name four things that you wish you had:
1. a band
2. more time
3. my license
4. i wish i lived where all my awsome friends live♥

name four people you would like to spend more time with:
1. all my Amherst friends
2. all my NJ friends
3. Aly
4. Hartsbrook kids...as in Peter and Irene

name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. water
2. coke
3. milk
4. orange juice

name the last four people you have kissed/been kissed by:
1. Ben
2. Ali (on the cheek)
3. Anna (on the cheek)
4. Kaela (on the cheek)
....i get alot of kisses on the cheek *blush*
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