TPing Chronicles
10:34 PM
Sarah, I’m typing this so that you remember the total mayhem of July 12, 2004. It’s 10:34 exactly right now, I’m we’re currently taking pictures of Cayley, Ariel, Karen, Sarah, Maddie, Beth, and Ashley with our bras and underwear over our PJs. It’ll be hard to forget something like this.
I love the 90’s premiered tonight, and we spent approximately point two seconds watching it, then decided it was a total waste of time and went on to do stupid, pointless things like planning a TP’ing raid.
The TP’ing raid is still under debate, so it may not happen tonight. Right now we’re totally off the subject and discussing certain people at the school with problems with keeping their pants zipped. Hint….initials DL.
On to cheer at Hillcrest, which I don’t understand why we’re discussing it, seeing as it was almost as boring as the rest of 8th grade.
Will continue to update as the night progresses. Over and out.
Out 10:39 PM
11:18 PM
TP’ing raid is planned and being negotiated right now. Money issues are getting in the way, so a trip to Bashas and the gas station will ultimately cost us around 20. Then off to Kyle Smith’s house to TP the hell out of it. Wish us luck.
Good luck cadettes.
Out 11:19 PM
2:01 AM
Scratch the Kyle scheme, we ended up heading to Kyle’s house only to find out that the house was on a corner and with the lights on. How about no, girls. So we headed to Joey’s house…once again a no, seeing as the lights were ONCE AGAIN on and ONCE AGAIN a corner house. Makes you wonder, do we know anyone who doesn’t live on a corner???
Finally we settled on he-who-may-not-be-named (only to protect the girls and toilet paper involved), and covered his entire tree with, count ‘em, 40 roles.
It took another trip to pick up strangler paper rolls, but the wind prevented us from actually getting the entire tree. It ended up only being the visible part of the tree, and the back half and the house were literally untouched. Not bad for crappy weather.
Out 2:06 AM
Mayhem in the O’Brien Household…
A detailed description of the occurrences within the confines of the living areas of Sarah Alicia O’Brien
The Persons within the household include:
Karen Nicole Hewell
Chief journalist and soul documentation specialist for the occurrences within the confines between the times of approximately 5 o’clock PM to 3 o’clock AM.
Bethany Dawn Sands
The entertainment for the evening; eventually became a large part of the negotiation and planning of the TPing raid.
Sarah Alicia O’Brien
Main host of the O’Brien TPing/Show Premiere gathering. Became important benefactor in the transportation and planning as well as funding for the TPing raid.
Madalaine Christine Geraci
Small benefactor in the negotiation of the raid. Eventually became another highlight of the night; including the target of a sleeping makeup raid.
Ashley Nichole Layton
Partner of Madalaine (Alias-Maddie) as well as soul story teller and entertainment for fellow cadets.
Cayley Renee Steimer
Main fabrication of the TPing raid, as well as important benefactor, including funding, negotiation, and planning of TPing raid.
Lindsey Jayne Renick
Large part of the negotiation of raid. Partner of both General O’Brien and Cadet Sands.
Ariel Elizabeth Sorensen
Fellow entertainer of Cadet Sands and Cadet Geraci; also contributed to the funding of the raid.
Occurrences in Chronological Order
1) Initial arrival of three cadets, not including host and general of gala, General O’Brien.
2) Arrival of following; Cadet Layton, Cadet Geraci, and Cadet Sorensen.
3) Refreshments were provided, some being made by those consuming them (e.i. - Mac & Cheese)
4) Beginning of entertainment; Premiering of “I Love The 90’s”.
5) Transfer into evening area, referred to as the Bonus Room.
6) Planning began in the Bonus room, negotiation was mainly in the kitchen area. Transport was provided by Lieutenant Thomas O’Brien.
7) 40 rolls and a tank of gas was purchased with 20 dollars, change unknown.
8) Raid was undergone, two trips back to the site were required for full success of mission.
On Behalf of the United States TPing Federation, the class two TPing raid was successful and completed in an acceptable amount of time.
Elapsed time - 26:43
Record time - 14:12
Courtesy of Karen, who has no life and actually has time to type this WHOLE thing.