This week was ridiculously stressful.
I say the word ridiculous a lot.
Anyways, it was finals week. Enough said.
Honestly, I was seriously disappointed with my grades on my finals. & my overall grades for the marking period aren't too impressive, either. Hmph.
Oh well. At least it's over.
I don't think anything exciting happened this week.
We made ice cream in Chem.
Health was lame.
We're still working in Algebra, which is ridiculous.
We have to present a recipe in Spanish. I'm working with Marc and Nick. I really don't understand why teachers are making us do so much unnecessary work.
We presented our 20s projects this week in AP. I got a 35/30. Yesss. We're having a speakeasy Tuesday. Minus the decorations and costumes. Ghetto.
We finished speeches in English. I hated listening to them. & we're still not done working in that class, either.]
We're pretty much done in Newswriting. We finished the paper, so now we're just going to play games. Oh, that class.
I decided to scrunch my hair again every once in a while.
What else?
Wednesday was 4 months for Dan and I. I went home with him. We went to the video store [Dan drove] to get American Beauty, but they didn't have it. Bummer. But we had a good time nonetheless.
I took the Spanish final Thursday, and I had to eat C lunch. I ate with Dan, Wopner, Marcus, Adam, and Bob. But I only really talked to Dan, Wopner and Marcus. They are pretty insane. I liked eating lunch with them.
Today will be a fiasco. My mother is getting married. I guess I am going to State College for the day because my dad wants to get out of town. I wouldn't mind getting away, either.
I wanted to go to a show at the coffeehouse last night, but that didn't happen. I'm disappointed; I heard it was a good time. Oh well. I stayed at Tiereney's. We listened to old music [eg. LMNT and Tupac] and Spanish music. Such fun. It was a pretty good time, but then again hanging out with Schmillzy is always a good time.
I need to shower.
Comments would be nice.
Bye, kids.