Mar 19, 2011 00:39

My GOD, Crisis Core, could you GET more complicated with this bullshit? You have to go through like, three equations just to figure out what the fuck you're going to make! Your product is based on what class your two starting materias are, which determines the product's class, and the ranks of your two starting materias, which determines how awesome your end product is. Your product is almost completely reliant on the ending rank.

Formula 1:

Base Materia class(Higher rank) + Non-base materia class(Lower rank) = whatever-the-fuck class(higher materia's rank + 1 for any mastered materia)

AND THEN you can use materia fusion to crazily boost your stats, which is confusing all on it's own! I uses a completely different set of parameters that you have to consider when doing all the other shit.

Formula 2:

Materia A(higher stat bonus rate) + Materia B(lower stat bonus rate divided by 2) = Product stat bonus type and amount

Not to mention, some of these values are in percentages and you have to convert them back and forth while doing this. AND there are "special" materia that just do their own damn thing >_<

So already, I say WTF?! But wait, THERE'S MORE! You can add items into the mix to make things IMPOSSIBLY MORE COMPLICATED. They have their own ranks, which if it's higher than either of the other two materia, the product materia is the rank of the item instead, which could COMPLETELY CHANGE what your product could be. THEN you have to do a bunch of math to figure out how much of what item you need to boost the stats of the materia to where you want them, which doesn't sound too bad, right? But then there are CAPS to them and I have NO IDEA HOW THE FUCK THEY WORK. NONE. Also, the item must match one of the two types of stats being compared, which can balls-y all on it's own.

but assuming I don't fuck up the cap thing, this is formula 3:

Materia A(higher stat bonus rate) + Materia B(lower stat bonus rate divided by 2) + # of Item needed to achieve desire amount of increase = Product stat bonus type and amount

Still doesn't sound too bad. BUT EVERY ITEM HAS A DIFFERENT CONVERSION RATE AND A CAP LEVEL THAT  I CAN'T FIGURE OUT! For instance, Potions increase your HP by 1 for every 20 that you add in to the equation. so to get to +100% HP bonus, you need to use a total of 200 potions. Except that FUCKING cap thing fucks that up, so I have no idea how to do this shit.

There are MANY tables to help me, all of which are HUGE and like, four of them are required to do this crap.

The rest of this game is so simple, why THE HELL WOULD THEY DO THIS TO ME??!?!?!?!?!

fuckin' whaaaaaaaaaa, no fic, random

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