It's been a while again ^_^;; I haven't been doing too much, other than going to Otakon, so I haven't had much to say! I'm still writing that Clack, but I decided to just write the whole thing out before I go posting it anywhere, so that's why you haven't heard about that. I've been making huge improvements to my hats, so I think I'll be able to sell them eventually, if all goes well :D I'm actually bothering to sew them instead of just globbing hotglue on them and hoping for the best. I've also decided to try using Wonderflex as the base material for it instead of that thick fusable stuff I was using, so we'll see how that end up. Thermoplastics and fabric may/may not work together well.
New Jersey made it through an earthquake and a catagory one hurricane with minimal damages, so that was good! I freaked out over the tornado warnings, but it's honestly mostly because my mom was creating hysteria and it preyed on my already existing phobia/paranoia of them.
I found out some very concerning news about a friend of mine's mom, but it was also accompanied with some encouraging news, so while it's still an awful, awful situation, there's a bright side at least.
I've gotten back in touch with a few friends from highschool, whch was for once a very nice thing. Usually I hate it when ghosts from the past show up, but this friend is really nice and I'm glad I got to hang out with her. The other friend was from my childhood and we went to Six Flags together as a way to celebrate him going away to college. He moved into his dorm up in north Jersey over the weekend, and I'm a little worried I won't see him very much anymore. There's a train station on his campus, but it's still like, 20 bucks to get p there and college life is hectic as it is. Hopefully we'll get together or I'll figure out how the hell to work Skype.
Fandom-wise, I have to say I'm dissapointed. Final Fantasy 7 fandom is virtually dead here on LJ, so I've had to revert to -_- How I miss the well-written stories of LJ. It's still pretty prolific over there, so I hope that once I get my fic together I can get a couple comments at least over there. I've been thinking of a time travel one that I'm pretty damn excited about, but I have a terrible problem with plot. I'm great at having an initial idea, like "ZACK DOES THIS THING" but then, after that thing happens and the ball gets rolling, I don't know where to go with it. I'll say "Zack opens a pizza parlor!", which is a fun idea, but really, what do I do with that? How do you write a middle or an end for something like that? Introduce a rival pizza shop and have love conquor all? I'm terrible at that sort of stuff and it's really frustrating. That's why all of my fics are only ever half-finished. I'm trying to work on it.
I'm playing a lot of video games recently because my boyfriend has two jobs that have decided to give him a zillion hours the past month, so I've only been able to see him maybe once or twice a week. That may not sound too bad, but we've seen each other almost every day for five and a half years now, so it's a bit of an adjustment for the two of us. His availability changes next week though, so hopefully things will get better. But anyway, I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy and old ps1 and ps2 games, and I've restared my Kingdom Hearts datas. I still ship Riku/Sora so hard, and they were my first ship evr :D I've also grown to passively ship Axel/Roxas because it's SO OBVIOUS. I want to gif the world with all he slash in that game. And then gif the world with all the ADORABLE Zack/Cloud or just Cloud. Seriously, I was up until 5:30 last night watching Advent Children COmplete for the umpteenth time and I just want to gif and screencap that WHOLE DAMN MOVIE. Cloud is the cutest man ever conceived.
So that's the state of things.
Also, my sister is across from me listening to a 90's Mariah Carey song.
Day complete.