I thought you were going to be at the reception like the rest of us. *shrugs* I could be wrong. *smiles* If you are looking for Yugi, he's there with the rest of us und eventually, he'll be leaving with the rest of us to Croatia.
I suggest you pack light because there is a nude beach there that I wouldn't want to miss! *laughs*
Bakura's bothering you... again? Mind telling me exactly how he's bothering you?
I'm so sorry you couldn't come... but I guess that's my fault. You're stuck taking care of my Yami's body... *frowns and looks away* It's just that I haven't found a way to get him back to his body yet...
*forces a smile* I hope you're doing okay. Is Isis feeding you well?
He's proabaly distracting you to get attention. I do that too, sometimes; cause chaos just to get attention. (I don't do it much anymore, thankfully...)
I still feel guilty though...
Ask Isis to bake you Asbusa. It's a really tasty cookie I think you'll like. She makes the best!
hmph. I'm not being noisy, I'm listening to an Opera. Some of us haven't been so fortunate to live through the culture of the last few centuries, you know.
And you're just as irritating with your bloody baking. If you can't stand listening to the ring then use that ipod you're so pleased about.
I'm so glad to see that you are up and moving about. I was a bit worried that you were lost. I would like to speak to you about a private matter sometime. *bows slightly*
Comments 78
I suggest you pack light because there is a nude beach there that I wouldn't want to miss! *laughs*
Bakura's bothering you... again? Mind telling me exactly how he's bothering you?
I'm so sorry you couldn't come... but I guess that's my fault. You're stuck taking care of my Yami's body... *frowns and looks away* It's just that I haven't found a way to get him back to his body yet...
*forces a smile* I hope you're doing okay. Is Isis feeding you well?
It's fine. You're my friend; I don't mind helping.
Isis's cooking is actually pretty good ^_^
I still feel guilty though...
Ask Isis to bake you Asbusa. It's a really tasty cookie I think you'll like. She makes the best!
And you're just as irritating with your bloody baking. If you can't stand listening to the ring then use that ipod you're so pleased about.
Honestly...noise... *grumbles*
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