r kelly

Nov 22, 2004 11:00

i wonder if r kelly's weekends are as fun as mine ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

loveandbetrayal November 22 2004, 17:40:32 UTC
"kyle is lame and didn't come i really wanted to see him. we could of watch season 2 dave chappelle skits on the internet... cashley is lame and didn't come... i missed nathaniel cause work is gay... i like love that nigga"

That is because I did not know that people were going to nashville until they were on their way there cause i do not get to hear about these things or get invited.


xxbattleroyale November 23 2004, 17:01:16 UTC
lame.... very lame....


ocean_drop November 22 2004, 17:49:55 UTC
xxbattleroyale November 23 2004, 17:02:57 UTC
dang.. you love me SWEET! ♥


joshuasbowden November 22 2004, 18:17:24 UTC
your queer butt didn't call me
back this weekend.
i loveyou.
nah, i'm kidding.
i still ♥ you....fag.


xxbattleroyale November 23 2004, 17:03:49 UTC
i was stuck in cashvill all weekend.... you guys should of came to china pan... or the the apartment... lame


joshuasbowden November 23 2004, 20:03:27 UTC
we had just eaten.
and we were rushed...
but i'll be back soon...
like maybe first week of december
or something...


cashley November 22 2004, 18:19:20 UTC
i'm sorry i couldn't come.
i could have if it were just on sunday. but i have mega papers due this week.

its laaaaaammmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeee.


xxbattleroyale November 23 2004, 17:04:33 UTC
i got one of those due somtime.... humm crap... good reason for not coming


theginkooath November 22 2004, 22:03:29 UTC
Love from me to you.

And remember...

Brogies - boogies from your bros.


xxbattleroyale November 23 2004, 17:06:24 UTC
kenny you can have any boogies from this bro anyday



theginkooath November 23 2004, 21:18:17 UTC
YES! I rule. Haha. The same goes to you bro.


xxbattleroyale November 24 2004, 17:04:43 UTC
brogies + love


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