so wait, what the heck is going on down in nicaragua?
also, i actually strolled over to your journal because you are a member of blackfolkwatch but don't have it on your friends list. i'm trying to get more intelligent commentary in there, so if you're interested in contributing please feel free to add it to your friends list by clicking here.
Angelica beat me to it, but yeah how much is the postage...hmm...I'd have to ask the Rutgers post office :p or just go to the Newark one, some weekend.... you know how long it takes letters to get down to you from NJ?
Cathedral Gardens Dormbundleofjoy7February 21 2006, 18:08:13 UTC
Most likely I won't be an RA next year. And 98.9% sure we'll be living in THE AWESOME NEW Cathedral Gardens dorm on 110th and Columbus Ave. next year together... sweeeeet. We get our own dish washer, HUGE BATHROOM, etc. Tell you more about it lata, ciao love!
Comments 5
also, i actually strolled over to your journal because you are a member of blackfolkwatch but don't have it on your friends list. i'm trying to get more intelligent commentary in there, so if you're interested in contributing please feel free to add it to your friends list by clicking here.
Reply you know how long it takes letters to get down to you from NJ?
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