Sunday- March 10-
School. Nothing too exciting. I went to work today tho. Brian was working! Oh man! He smiled at me a couple times. I loved it! I went on break and there were like 10 people on break with me which sucked cuz I like to sit by myself and call anna n talk to her since I don’t really converse with anyone there…anyway, lissette was looking at a teen magazine that had a pic of genital warts I guess and she screamed and brian just happened to come upstairs ‘just to piss’ (as he put it) and he heard her scream and hes like ‘what?’ and she turned the mag over and hes like ‘genital warts.’ And shes like ‘damn he knew that before he even saw the magazine!’ and everyone was crackin about him having genital warts n shit. He did a fake embarrassed face then smiled. It was so hot! Lol. Then lissette n the rest of them were talking about how stupid brian is cuz he sags his pants and wears a belt. He was like ‘that’s how I like it’ and lifted his shirt to show his boxers. I was thinking “I LOVE boys that do that! Its so hot on brian!’ but I kept my mouth shut….=)~I was working register 7 and our security guard was sitting on the counter at register 8. brian comes over and was leaning on my register’s wall and talking to the cop for like 20 mins AT LEAST. It made me so nervous cuz he would glance at me and I was shaking and all crazy-lol. He was talking to the cop about how he has to pay rent (hes definitely graduated =\) I don’t kno if he has his own place or lives with his mom and she makes him pay rent or whatnot…Idk. The cop was telling him sum tips on how to manage money or sumthin and brian looks at me (making eye contact) and says ‘I just might do that’. He just STARED at me. It made me MELT. Hes so sexy I wanna cry! Lol then lissette came and wanted to walk past brian to get to the end of my register for some reason and she pushed him out of the way and he fell ON me and caused me to fall forward over the bags. I cant say I hated it. ;) lol he worked til close and was singing the songs on the marcs radio. The song was ‘will ya marry me boy’ by paula abdul and he was hitting the notes n shit. It made me so happy! Lol I loved it! He was singing it on purpose everytime id walk by becuz id laugh. Hes a jokester and I love it! I was walking by him, yet again, putting away returns and hes like ‘that’s right girl, u workin! WORK IT! MMMmmMM WORK IT!’ I just kept walkin with a big cheesy smile on my face. Lol hes so sexy. I finally figured out that dave is going with nina. She wouldn’t do sumthing and hes like ‘come on do it or I wont love u anymore :pouts:’ that sucks becuz ninas a douche. Oh well. I love brian! Hehe. ::is crushing::
-Friday-march 11-
School. Nothing too exciting. Cece came over after school. We went to the fish fry n got sum food to bring back home. Marcus’ brother mylas gave me my food and smiled cuz I was SO happy to get it from him! Hes ADORABLE! Hehe. We came back to my house and did our entire physical science project which is FANTASTIC! We wrote 90% of the report and finished the bridge. I had my mom take a pic of us with it. Lol I loved it! We just gotta write a couple more sections of the report and were done! Yay!
Today is my one month anniversary at marcs! Yay. Lol I worked 4-close. Brian was working but it was ok cuz he came in for a quick second. I was working register 7 and he came in line 6 cuz he had to buy sumthing (employees have to go thru line 6). I happened to glance up and he was looking at me. I did a double check cuz I didn’t realize it was him! He caught me n smiled. He was in a suit lookin all sexy. I was like ‘u lookin SHNAZY!’ hes like ‘shnazy!? U supposed to say sexy!’ I was like ‘u do look sexy ::quieter::’ im not sure if he heard or not but oh man. He made me weak in the knees! Lol nikki walked right past him and didn’t ring him out hes like “OH NO SHE DIDN’T!” (making me laugh once again) hes like ‘shes gonna walk by me again! WATCH! ::nikki walks by on purpose:: SEE!!!” lol. Nikki rang him out and he said he went to his grandmas bday party. I love it too much!!! I later had regrets about saying ‘shnazy’ its so damn gay! What was I thinking!? He makes me so nervous!!!! =\ lol
-Sunday-march 13-
I worked today 10-3. I didn’t have a break which was CRAP. I left 10 mins early becuz of that business-its illegal to NOT give me a break. Ed took back my drawer and while I was getting my coat on he came in the break room and was like ‘are u a machine?!’ im like ‘what?’ hes like ‘U RANG $5000! THAT’S A LOT!” lol he loves me. Im like YAYUH! Haha I deserve a raise! Lol
-Monday-march 14- happy 16th bday anna!
School. We started our OGTs. Today was the reading one which was easy. It wasn’t that exciting. Im good at reading so ya kno…my parents bought me a car! It’s a 98 dodge avenger. Its so sexy. Its 2 door, leather interior, power, cd player, sun roof and everything. I need my license NOW! yayayyya! Its for me n my mom to share, but u kno as soon as I get my license imma own the road! Lol watch out!
-Tuesday-march 15-
School. Today was the math ogt. I was later informed that we only needed a 40% to pass which means I passed it! I knew most, if not all, of the material. No worries!
`I worked 4.30-close. Brian was there. He worked til close too! Yay! I was walking by him and he started dancing for me and im like ‘break it down!’ (out of nervousness!!) WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH ME!? That’s what I was thinking as I walked away. I did aisles for the first time today which is a pain in the ass and takes FOREVER. Theres sum new chick that started today. Shes short and kinda rocker-avril-type but shes cool. I didn’t talk to her but whatever. I was straighting up the detergent aisle and brian, Robert, and Jeremy were walking down my aisle with brooms and they were talking about sum boy and girls relationship and how the guy plays games with the girl and I overheard brian saying ‘I don’t play that shit. It aint right’ and right then n there I fell in love! Lol. He then said sumthing and purposely said “CARMELA” really loud after it and I looked over at him and he did a cheesy smile. I loved it. I THINK I heard ‘I wanna play WITH carmela’ but hey. It could be wishful thinking…im good with that shit…. I don’t kno if hes flirting with me or just being friendly…its bullshit!!! He was running the floor cleaner machine and knocked down a whole display of cambells soup and didn’t pick it up. Me n nikki picked it up and nikkis like ‘who did this?!’ (I saw him do it) and shes like ‘BRIAN?!’ and hes like ‘NO! IT WAS THE NEW GIRL :joking:’ lol I love him so much…I wonder if he flirts with all the girls…?
-Wednesday-march 16-
School. Today was the writing ogt. There was a ? about which celebrity would we invite to come to our school to give a speech. I chose Johnny depp! It was AMAZING! Lol it was an ok test, nothing too too hard. I told kassandra all about brian and all the shit he says/does to me and she keeps telling me to ask him for his # or ask him to hang out and shes like ‘u should invite him to spring fling!’ HAHA! That’s a good one! I wish I had the balls but what if he says no!? I hardly talk to him! I have no grounds to stand on, ya kno? Oh well, f that! Hes always working anyway….i want him so badly. Im fallin hard for this boy-I just hope hes willing to help me up <3
-Thursday-march 17-
No school! Happy st patricks day! I went to walmart with my mom today to buy sum shit for EUROPE!!! 5 days!!! Oh my GOD! I drove the new car and there was sum bitch at the gas station that got pissed cuz I took the pump when she, I suppose, was trying to back into the space. I didn’t kno I thought she was leaving, oh f’n well! Lol I made my sisters bday card for her bday since ill be in Europe for her bday on march 23rd. I put her face on girls bodies next to jay Hernandez, jesse Metcalfe and albert pujols (sum celebs she likes). Lol it was amazing. I bought her the same hair straightener I have for $30 at walmart. Im sick of her using mine and getting it all nasty with her hair product plus she said she was gonna get one eventually and I didn’t kno what to get her! Lol I gave it to her today. Me n the rents went out for dinner. It was fun. I TRIED to write my church council paper which is due MONDAY but I couldn’t! its too boring! I talked to kassandra about brian in DETAIL and all the shit I went through with garrett and how its affecting this situation. I decided im infatuated with brian. It’s a disease. I get infatuated so easily I hate it! ‘please god make it pass NOW’ I say but I don’t think it will. I want him to say sumthing to me so bad, showing me SUM kind of direct interest…im just being a loser, I kno.. :sigh:
-Friday-march 18-
School. Today was the spring fling at 8 at auggies. Im glad I went. It was a lot of fun. We took tons of pics and michelle ‘break danced’ in the middle of a circle. It was funny as hell all she did was tumbles and half ass cartwheels. It was so funny! I loved it! I wasn’t gonna go but hey, its auggies last dance. It was called ‘at the end of the rainbow’ and had everyones class pic printed on a color of the rainbow colored paper and had the pics in the shape of a rainbow. I took mine and I took natalies to give to her since she didn’t go (the loser!). it was fun. I love augustines too much….=(
-Saturday-march 19-
I worked 8.30-3.30. brian was there! He was stocking cereal and I was working a register where I had DIRECT view of him. I stared at his ass HARDCORE. I was working register #1 and he got called to work a register since we were busy. He was working #8 and everytime I turned around to just glance down the line of registers we made eye contact. I loved it so much! I was talking to anna on the phone when I was on break and brian came upstairs and slammed his juice on the table across from me and stared at me with out saying anything and im like ‘..hi’ and hes like ‘hey :smiles:’ but at the same time he said ‘hey’ annas like ‘hi?!’ and im like ‘::to the phone:: im not talking to ::’ and hes like “THAT’S RIGHT!” lol I loved it. He left and came back like 4 mins before I had to go back to work my register and was trying to work the microwave (I was sitting directly in front of it). He was pushing buttons everywhere and it wasn’t working and hes like ‘wtf?!’ then after 2 mins hes like ‘I didn’t push start! U been watchin me be an ass and u didn’t even tell me to push start! That aint right!’ im like ‘I wasn’t watching u! I didn’t kno!’ and hes like ‘uh uh that aint right!’ lol I loved ittttt! He later came to bag for me while I was ringing. I was so nervous I was ringing super slow and such. I pushed in the wrong amount sum guy gave me he spent like $170 and gave me $180. I pushed $1800.00 cash and was like “SHIT” and called ed to come help me. Ed couldn’t hear me cuz we were busy and he was doing sumthing with another cashier and brains like ‘what happened? ::looks at the register and sees the LARGE amount:: haha!’ im like ‘shut up! ED I NEED HELP!!!’ hes like ‘hes just gonna tell u to give him the right amount and ignore the register-so give it to him’ Im like ‘how am I supposed to kno what I owe him if the register doesn’t tell me?! Im not good at math all like THAT’ and he started laughing. Hes like ‘u kno what I was before I was a stock boy?’ im like ‘a cashier?’ and hes like ‘I was SEXY’ lol im thinking U STILL ARE! Haha. Hes like ‘naw but I trained EVERYONE in here to be a cashier! Ask anyone! I trained nina! Be like ‘who trained u’ they say BRIAN. I even trained Monique (((((moniques the best cashier we have))))))’ im like ‘I think ur lying!’ hes like ‘no im not!!’ lol ed finally came over and was like ‘just give him the right change’ and told me how much I owed the guy and brains like ‘…I told u…’ im like ‘shut up!’ we laughed and he bagged for me for like 10 more mins until they told him to go back to stocking. GOD! Times like that make me crush super SUPER hard!!
-Sunday-march 20-PALM SUNDAY
I wanted to go to church so badly but my mom went to the Italian mass that started at 9 when the ascension one started at 10 which meant by the time she came to pick me up after mt carmels mass was over, we would’ve been late to mass and looked like assholes’ I was PISSED. I never miss palm Sunday mass! >=( my family came over at night and me n my cousins played computer games til they left. I finished packing for Europe. 2 days! ISNT THAT INSANE?!?! Im so excited!!
-Monday-march 21-
School. Today was the last ogt:social studies: I failed it. Its ok. Lol im so glad theyre over! Today I chilled at home and barely slept becuz tomorrow ill be at the airport leaving for Europe! OH MY GOD!!! Ill have SO many stories to write about when I come back!! YAY!
when i get the time to do my next entries (in another month-lol) theyll be on europe! look forward to that!!
Current Lyric: girl im in love with u this aint the honeymoon, were past the infatuation phase.