RAchel!!!! well man oh man soem changes have been going on in the boy derpatment for me.... hehe thats another story though... but college im so excited moving in a month!!!! Im so happy to hear from you im so sad i didnt get to say goodbye... :(
RACHEL!!! I'm glad you tried chai. excitement. when i go out there...which i will eventually...you have to make me some. by the way the spy has been asking for agent r... i have no idea what she is talking about...
oooo man Rach big news a going on at EPL not only am i now leaving ( i put my 2 weeks in on thursday night...) but GENE is leaving the thursday after me, Lena is leaving this FRIDAY!!! Anna is pregnet again!!!hehe and is moving so will be leaving shortly...Ms. Todd is taking over as Children Head Lib...Amie is prolly tkaing over Lena's job..its alll so crazy!!!!! its all going to fall aprat now,... so it makes me feel a little less sad about leaving i added you back now toi muy other jounral you just have to add me back to read!!! and I WANT YOUR EMAIL..mine's Lilshanlan@hotmail.com so email me your new address and stuff too!!!!! hope your doing well just though id keepe you updated..lol bye bye
i'm doing good. glad to hear you are too!! no big trips planned as of yet, but i think i might be falling in love and that's quite an adventure. take care of yourself!
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