Title: Casualty
Author: xxcreamsodaxx
Word Count: 200 on the dot
Warning: I'm out of practice with drabbles and am fairly sure this one sucks.
Challenge: #96, One Year Ago
It’s been one year since Zuko and Iroh climbed onto a rusting boat and left everything they knew behind. Iroh, a career soldier without anything to lose, has no problem adjusting to life aboard the ship. A careful observer might realize that he loves it. The vessel is mostly quiet as they drift aimlessly through neutral waters and the former general has plenty of time to work on his Pai Sho game, singing voice, and suntan.
At first Iroh assumes that Zuko will adjust to his new life, as all young soldiers do. He doesn’t; and as the seasons pass the young prince remains hopelessly sullen. After six months pass, the ship’s surgeon removes the bandages that have covered the prince’s face for half a year. Iroh can’t help himself and gasps, steps back, and realizes his mistake. It’s too late.
Zuko’s expression hardens, and from that day on his face bore a look of anger and determination rather than the familiar mask of hopeless apathy. Iroh watches the change in horror, but there’s nothing he can do. Zuko, Iroh’s nephew and Ursa’s son, is gone. The former heir to the throne has lost another son to his ancestors’ war.