(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 16:53

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Is jokers_gal a morning person or a night person?She's a child of the night...Where do you think muchachosrapido is right now?Falling into a clever trap.What political beliefs of _bumble_b do you disagree with?Anything having to do with the selfless defense of those weaker than oneself... without recompense.What will be xbrother_bloodx's last words?He won't have time. *hidden smirk*manic_malice: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?Hmmm... Ninja Robot.What would poes_girl and maskedcrusader inherit from zoom_kid's will?I doubt he's made one... a pity.Who on your friends list would get along best with xxsilvestrixx?I really don't care to know.What habit does robotic_rocker have that you think they should give up?If he'd just stop 'rescuing' Robin...Can faster_than_c do a headstand?I assume so.hottestreject is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?Well, that's when the robotic rats come out and chase her into a cell.Does better_fighter spend too much time on LiveJournal?I doubt it.What animal does icey_hart most remind you of?Something small and easily chained.Why shouldn't tricksofdoom and h2o_boy be a couple?*blinks*What would you most like to do with _beast_boy_?Use him as bait.. oh wait...What do you think of mecha_god's family?Does he have one?What does _pink_witch_ look for in a significant other?*shakes head*

I really don't have time for this...What kind of book would koriandr_098 and j_rancid_ jointly write?*walks away*Is robinsdarkhalf evil?Not nearly 'evil' enough to be helpful...
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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