And you really think that you can kick the shit out of ashley? Your on something there,,,I've seen her fight..she can take you....But im not takin sides liek i just previously said
Dude, you sond so fucking stupid. Lick my black asshole. Even if she could beat me, you think she still wouldn't get hers? What do you mean don't I listen to anything, you think that because YOU said "lets stop this" that I should just shutup? I thought black people listening to whatever white people said was over. XD. Get over it Randal, I don't know what your looking for. If it's an apology then your wasting your time. So tell me, have you any objective?
If I wanted to I could kick you off my El Jay. So watch what you say, because if its really stupid I'll just ignore and delete it. Shoo fly. It's not my fault you resemble micheal Jackson.
Comments 21
Haha I LOVE LOVE that movie so much.
Ewww Shania
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