I was more wary of hotlinkers and file stealers, so I was totally caught off guard. I was on Aibakaland today, and saw someone with the identical icon as me.
My first thought was, it's just the same image source being used (because I have seen some people using similar icons, but slightly different). But after pasting both into Photoshop and comparing, they were exactly the same. Pixel to pixel. The 0.5px border I always put was there too.
I do share icons but this was not one that I shared. If that person is reading this, please remove/change it. Or at least ask before using it next time. I don't mind if you ask before using at all, but taking someone's icon without permission isn't very nice.
On a nicer note, matcha with green tea flavoured kitkat is ♥ Right now, I'm drinking my 6th cup of green tea. 4 cups yesterday, so far 2 for today. It's addictive, especially while watching drama =P