I am so bored but I want to take these quizzes so badly so here it goes!
Time started: 12:46 PM
Name: Rachael
Nickname: Rach
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: Female
Birthday: 8/1/88
Sign: Leo
Siblings: Matthew, Andrew
Hair colour: Violet red
Eye colour: Green/Blue/Grey...it changes
Shoe size: 8.5
Height: 5'3
Innie or Outie: Innie
What are you wearing right now: Black fitted shirt that has two grey gas masks on them and baggy black pants
Where do you live: FL
Righty or lefty: Righty
Who are your closest friends?: Jessie, Carrie, Tabby, Vicky, and Michelle
Do you have a bf or gf?: Yeah, I have a boyfriend
Best place to go for a date: Hmm....anywhere but where I live o.O;
Fashion Stuff
Where is your fav place to shop: I go anywhere...no limits....
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: I have 5 piercings, 3 in my left, two in my right.
Colour: Red
Number: 10
Food: Chicken of any sort
Boys name: Ares (it means "God Of War" in mythology)
Girls name: Lorelei (The name of the river goddess who lured sailors to their death.)
Subject in school: Computer Science
Animal: Cats
Drink: Coffee, Dr. Pepper, Water, and Fruit Juice
Celebrity: I don't give a shit about celebs...
Sport: Skatboarding
Veggie: Corn
Fruit: Grapes, watermelon, and apples
Fast food place: BK
Place to visit: Tampa
Month: July
Juice: Fruit
Finger: Pinky...just look at it all chilling down at the end of your hand....so rockin'
Ice Cream: Sherbert
Breakfast: That cereal with all that stuff in it like nuts, fruit, etc, etc...
Perfume: Don't have a favorite
Favorite cartoon character: pass
Have You Ever
Given anyone a bath: Yep
smoked: Yep
Bungee jumped: No
Broken the law: Yes
Made yourself throw-up: God no
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: ?
Eaten a dog biscuit: No
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: No, but I gotten my toungue stuck in the freezer before...it was so bas ass
Loved someone that made you cry?: Yes...
Broken a bone: My arm when I was five
Played truth or dare: Hasn't everyone?
Been in a physical fight: Yep
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: Yes
Been in a sauna: No
Been in a hot tub: Yes
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep in school: Yes
Broken someone's heart: Hope not
Cried when someone died: Yes
Lied: Everyone lies
Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: Too many times to count
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Er...no
saved e-mails: Yep
Wished you were someone else: No
Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Do you think I want a penis? No. Screw that crap.
Made out with JUST a friend?: No
Been rejected? No
Been in love? Yes
Used someone: No
Been cheated on? Once
Done something you regret?: Yes
First Thing That Comes to Mind
Red: Blood
Blue: Water (even though, water is kind of clear...)
Happy: Smiley face on aim....haha
Autumn: Leaves
Cow: That stupid game my friends and I played. You spot someone walking on the sidewalk while driving and shout "Hey cow!" at them. If they look, you win. ^_^
Greenland: Ice
What Is
Your good luck charm: I don't have a lucky charm
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Dropping in on the death wall
Your crush: ....^_^ (who do you think?)
Your most prized possession: My guitar
Last thing you said: "my guitar" because I was talking stupidly to myself
What is beside you: Coffee
Last thing you ate: Strawberry Shortcake Icecream
Fave song: The Haunting (Somewhere In Time) - Kamelot
Fave thing that has happened to you this year: Those words..."So, you know I like you"
Have You Ever Had
Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: Yeah, I used to get strept throat all the time
Cold: There is no one in existance that hasn't
Stitches: For my arm and when I got my gallbladder removed
Bloody nose: Yes, more times then I can count. Whether it be me bashing my nose or a cold...
Do you
Believe in love at first sight: Yes
Enjoy parks: Yep ^_^
Like picnics: NO! ANTS SUCK!!!! (I am allergic)
Like school: It's cool
What schools have you gone to: Way too many because my family moves so much
Hate anyone: yeah
Who is the last person that called you: My Boyfriend
Makes you laugh the most: Carrie
Makes you smile: My boyfriend
Can make you feel better no matter what: My boyfriend and Carrie
Was the last person you touched?: Andrew when I smacked him just a few seconds ago
You talked to last: Myself >.>;;;
You hugged?: Again, my boyfriend
Massaged: ...I don't massage
You Kissed?: Oh, you can guess this one...
You yelled at: My brother
Told you they loved you: My boyfriend
Do You/Are You
Do you like yourself: Sure
Do you get along with your family: Sometimes
Do you do drugs: Used to
Color your hair?: Many times
Have piercings below the waist?: Ah, God no
Habla espanol?: No hablo espanol...yo hablo ingles!
Stolen anything over $50: God no
Obsessive: No
Compulsive: No
Anorexicve you: Food is God!
Depressed? Sometimes
Suicidal? No
Final Questions
Girls Fill Out (for girls ONLY)
Boxers or briefs: Boxers
Older, younger, same age: Older
Tall or short: Taller then me
Good or bad guy: Good guy
Ear peirced or not: Piercings are cool, at least, my boyfriend has one. (I did myself XD)
Stubble or neatly shaved: Shaved I guess
Studley or cute: Cute
Dark or blonde hair: Dark
Curly or straight hair: Straight I guess
Dark or light eyes: Dark eyes
Hat or no hat: Doesn't matter
Long or short hair: Long (my bf's is longer then mine o.O;)
Tan or fair: Doesn't matter
What do you notice first about guys: Eyes
Shy or outgoing: Outgoing
six pack: Sure
muscular arms: It's cool I guess
What do you like the most in a guy: Loving, understanding, respectful, humor...