Time never waits.
It delivers all equally to the same end.
You, who wish to safeguard the future,
however limited it may be...
You will be given one year;
go forth without falter,
with your heart as your guide...
"That power is called a Persona... It is a manifestation of your psyche. A Persona is a facet of your personality that surfaces as you react to external stimuli... You can think of it as a mask that protects you as you brave many hardships."
- Igor
"All things visible are bound to change and disappear... all things in this world are not singular. They're all smaller parts of a bigger picture. And yet, they're all different from each other. All things in this world are unique. To put it simply... No matter how hard you try to live your life right, someone else can always mess it up. All things are unique, yet they are not singular... maybe you've messed up my life a bit, too. Heheheh..."
- Mutatsu
The first card, numbered 0, is The Fool. It represents the beginning and suggests infinite possibilities.
The next card, The Magician, represents action and initiative... but also immaturity.
The Priestess represents contemplation and inner knowledge.
The Empress represents motherhood and the life it brings forth.
The Emperor is an opposing card. It represents fathering and relates to leadership and decision-making skills.
The Hierophant represents formality and knowledge, and stands for religion.
The Lovers card represents choice. Here, the individual's consciousness has finally surfaced.
The Chariot represents victory for the individual, but only a momentary one.
Justice represents knowledge of what is right, and what is wrong.
The Hermit represents the individual's search for answers by looking inward, deep inside his heart.
Fortune represents fate, and the opportunities that come with it.
Strength represents both passion and self-control. It is depicted as power with reason.
The Hanged Man reflects the individual's inability to take action.
Spiritual death awaits the individual with the 13th card, which is aptly named Death. Death is considered a transitional card... The old ends, and the new begins.
Now, let's continue along the path, following the transition.
Temperance is the balancing of opposites. Opening his eyes to the world allows the individual to grow...
And as The Devil represents, he then faces temptation...
At The Tower, his values collapse on him. It seems as if he no longer has anything to believe in, but...
...he then finds a glimmer of hope, represented by The Star, and he is suffused with a serene calm.
This bliss makes him vulnerable to the illusions of The Moon. Fears arise, and he follows the dim path in his heart with trepidation...
But he is rewarded with a bright future, represented by The Sun, which signifies true achievement.
Judgement awaits the individual at the end of his journey, as he looks back on the path he has traveled.
The final card is The World, which represents the individual's full awareness of his place in the world.
- Mr. Edogawa
"He was right. They will forget you. ... It's true that you will live in their hearts. They will remember your name, and that you were their friend. They will remember what you did. But someday they will forget exactly what you look like, or what it felt like to talk to you, or the sort of jokes you made. They will forget what exactly made you their friend - which of your qualities were their favorites. In a way, they'll forget that you were a living person and that you could have lived to be as old as them. It will become impossible for them to imagine what you'd be like if you'd lived. You will always belong to the past, a past that will grow farther and farther away, and have less and less to do with the present. Their minds will grow infirm, and may break, and all memory of you might vanish.
"But they will have still loved you."
- Igor (
Death and Ker)