(no subject)

Feb 05, 2005 19:08

caustic0kiss: 1)Name- Naomi
2)Nicknames- NaNa, Na, Nay, Nomz, Nomi, Abby
3)Birthday- May 3
4)Age- 14
5)Hometown- Worcester, MA
6)Town you were born in- Worcester, MA
7)What do you look like- nothing special
8)Are you hansome/beautiful- um not really
9)Why or why not- because
10)Family members- mom, dad, Rachel, Emma, Sam, Madeline
11)Fave relative- Maarit or Abby
12)Least fave relative- i have a few, no comment though
13)Is the #13 unlucky/lucky- sure thing
14)What time did you goto bed last nite- 1:45ish
15)What did you do yesterday- school, babysat with Liz
16)What did/you doing today- went to the carwash:-)
17)Fave place to eat- ummm
18)Fave food- Caesar Salad
19)Fave drink- Dr. Pepper
20)Fave numbers- 2 & 7
21)Do you drink- on occasion
22)Do you drive- no
23)If so,what kind of car- NO
24)Did you dye/highlight/lighten your hair or anything- blonde highlights a few times
25)What are you wearing in your school pic- a grey shirt and my N bling ;-)
26)Worst thing you ever did- oh god where do i start?
27)Best thing you ever did- hmm, i don't really know..
28)Fave radio station- 95.5WBRU (but i don't really listen to the radio..)
29)Fave TV show- Family Guy, South Park
30)Fave room in your house- family room
31)Fave season- SUMMER
32)Whats on your mousepad- a doggy that looks like Alice:-(
33)Do you have a scanner- yes
34)What kind of computer do you have- Mac
35)Do you have a mic- yep
36)Do you have ICQ- a what now?
37)If so,whats your ICQ#- ??
38)Are you wearing nailpolish right now- nope
39)If so,what color- NOPE
40)Ever stolen something- heh yesssss
41)Do you like this survey so far- i guess
42)Ok, lets play a game i say a word and u say what u think of- alright..
43)chocolate- vanilla
44)spice- cajin
45)taco- Choco
46)pretty- pretty ugly
47)hot- Mama
48)cold- winter
49)lemon- lime
50)coolatta- coffeeeeeee
51)pink- Floyd
52)email- internet
53)hacker- computer
54)ocean- Ellen! boogieboards, humping the waves, etc. MAINE
55)sun- shine, summer
56)Ok, lets play another game, I say a name and you say who u think of
57)Bob- hahahah Shine
58)Rose- petal?
59)Justin- Michigan=)
60)Delilah- Say whaaatt?
62)Jenna- Jameson
63)Joe- Mama
64)Jamie- uhh  my friend from 3rd grade
65)Ron- Weasley!
66)Tabitha- Scary Movie 3
67)Mark- Battle of the Sexes
68)Britney- Ellen=)
69)Anthony- Candy Shop Guy!
70)Christina- Aguilara
71)Brian- Dowd
72)Maria- Maine, I miss you!
73)John- Grandpa
74)Katie- Reynolds
75)Tiffany- jewlery
76)Shawn- Of The Dead
77)Megan- Leicster
78)Tommy- Boy
79)Bobby- BOOBY! "girl you can ride my bike anyday"
80)Tim- hawwt
~~~~~~~LasT Time You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
81)Spoke- 20 seconds ago
82)Showered- this morning
83)Ate- a few hours ago
84)Cried- suprisingly, not for awhile
85)Kissed- november
86)Laughed- today
87)Wrote- last night
88)Typed- currenty
89)Studied- a few days ago
90)Drank- 20 mins ago
91)Fought- long time
92)Ran- haha oh who knows
93)Walked- a minute ago
94)Hiked- the end of 7th grade field trip
95)Coughed- today some time
96)Rode a bike- yearsssss
97)Rollerskated/bladed- yearss
98)Iceskated- years
99)Bought something- a week maybe?
100)Were sick- am at the moment
101)Tell Me Which You Would Rather in the next questions ok- okay
102)Forwards or Chain Letters- neiiither, but i do enjoy some chain letters on occasion
103)White or Black- oh god, what a question. i'm gunna be safe and go with grey
104)Strawberry or Lemon- Strawberrrry
105)Chicken or Turkey- chicken
106)Red or pink- red
107)Soda or Pop- soda
108)Blonds or Brunettes- brunettes
109)Make-up or No Make-up- make-up
110)Straight or curly- curly
111)Summer or winter- SUMMER
112)Spring or fall- spring
113)Christmas or Easter- Christmas, not that either matter to me..
114)Valentines Day or St Patrick's Day- Valentine's Day
115)Pretty or beautiful- Beautiful
116)Hot or Sexy- sexy
117)Tall or Short- tall
118)Long or quick- looooooong ;-)
119)Chocolate or vanilla- vanilla
120)Private or Public School- private i guess
121)Religious or Spiritual- ?? spritual..
122)Half Empty or Half-Full- half empty =/
123)TV or Radio- TV
124)Walk or Run- walk
125)Drive or Walk- drive
126)Crowded or Empty- crowded
127)Lefty or Righty- righty
128)What was your most embarassing moment- hmm.. too many
129)Best friends- i have a few..
130)What did you do on New Years- went to Ellens, JUST what i wanted to do :D
131)Do you have mIRC-  uhh
132)Fave car- Silver or red Audi TT convertable
133)Fave shampoo- Pantene
135)Fave colours- green
136)Who sent this to you- no one
137)Any last words- no?
138)How long did this take you to fill out- 5 minutes..
139)Are you glad you're almost done- yesss
140)Who is going to send this back- noone???
141)Whos not going to send back- shut the fuck up
142)Fave place to shop- the mall
143)Do you have an Mp3 player- an Ipod
144)What mp3's do you have, if so- umm 900 songs as of now
145-You're done!!! Good Job!!- awesome..
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