
May 02, 2005 08:37

I'm fucking suspended on Wednesday!!! What kind of fucking shit is that I'm sooo pissed off...god!!! Mr. D is such a fucking dick !!! GOD ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

smurfpunk87 May 2 2005, 18:19:11 UTC
WTF what did u get supsended for?


ashleyamber0425 May 2 2005, 21:48:53 UTC
yeh what did you get suspended for?!?!?!?


xxkkayxx May 3 2005, 11:44:44 UTC
ummm....cuz Monday I skipped 6th hour, I skipped detention on Tuesday, and I left school after lunch on Friday....


ashleyamber0425 May 3 2005, 11:52:01 UTC


karlee_rhae May 3 2005, 12:03:31 UTC
uhhh yea i just got suspended!!!! on thursday. so im gonna ask you kno who to skip that day and maybe i can go to his house. or we can go to your house if mom and tim go to work. hey i could just spend the night on wednesday and then we could sleep in on thursday and mom will be like oh you can just stay home like she did that one time. and me and you could watch napoleon dynamite all day...YYYEAAAAA!!!!!


ashleyamber0425 May 3 2005, 12:25:25 UTC
o hey i skipped detention tuesday also!


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