Okay, So I'm a 'tard.

Jun 25, 2003 18:23

I think I pissed Jamie off with a seemingly pro Christina ramble. Just to clear the air: I'm not all about her, and I agree she's totally not a hardcore fem or anything. Compared to other retarded pop MTV icons, however, I think she's not so bad ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

fastlyfading June 25 2003, 16:47:41 UTC
Don't worry about it. I'm not pissed at all, just opinionated. :)

Secretly (shhhhh) I kinda like that fighter song, but only because it's catchy and I can relate.

I bet that Jenna girl is more xhardxcorex than a mosh pit.


wickthorn June 26 2003, 08:46:57 UTC
I don't know about te mosh put thing. . . but, you broke up with vinny? How are you going to afford your place. Just saying. write me


xxlove_jennaxx June 26 2003, 15:41:31 UTC
HAHA. No. It was kinda an inside joke about a rumor at work. Blah Blah. (I wish sometimes, but no)


*mad* llaynicorn June 29 2003, 05:25:04 UTC
ok now that i have the story ( ... )


Re: *mad* xxlove_jennaxx June 30 2003, 16:44:33 UTC
I'll forgive you if you make me that mixed cd....hehehe. Just kidding I <3 you.


Re: *mad* llaynicorn June 30 2003, 16:47:48 UTC
aww. :D yay. <3. i was so scared you'd be mad.

i'll still make you the mixed cd. i'm glad you reminded me. i'm putting together a list right now


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