[ ooc ] ♞ kuwabara application for elegycity

Feb 24, 2010 21:15

[Player LJ] dreams_ofregret
[Player Name] Tarei
[@ Elegy] Anise Tatlin childishanise and Tarei Kamiya ankokunoyume

[Series] Yu Yu Hakusho
[Character] Kazuma Kuwabara
[Description] Standing around six feet tall, with curly orange hair shaped like Elvis', with a pale not so attracting face, and beady black eyes. He's muscular from arms to legs, your typical punk type with a strong build, who often is seen wearing his blue junior high jump suit. Though at times, he can be seen dressed in rather outrageous outfits. He's not the handsomest male of his group, but he's always seen with a goofy look of idiocy. One of his many outfits is the white Elvis like fighting clothe he wore for the Ankoku Bujutsukai. It consists of an open long sleeve shirt, and his stomach is wrapped in white bandages with white slacks and fancy looking Chinese Black shoes.


From first impression, he's usually seen as an aggressive, underachiever who gets in to fights with the infamous, Urameshi, Yuusuke of his middle school.

Quick to strike with his fists and very hot headed. He's not the smartest kid on the block, and almost gets close to failing grades, or even occasional failing grades. Kuwabara's a rash idiot who doesn't think before he act. He wants to punch something out, he would do it without a good reason or realize that it was a mistake to jumped ten steps ahead of everyone else. Though that aside, he's also a very generous and kind teenager, beside being a punk looking man, with a bad Elvis Persly hair do, he actually cares about the people around him, mainly his friends and family. Kuwabara will go through whatever necessary pain, broken bones and bloody sweat in order to protect what is important to him.

Kuwabara loves the Ningenkai, his birth place, and the place he had grown up in. He would stop at nothing to defend his world from demons and humans alike that want to tarnish it. As well as he even has his own morals and codes such as for example, he's never prone to fight a girl no matter a good guy or a bad guy. He thinks it''s wrong and often yells at Yuusuke for being to rough with the ladies.

Despite, that he is also very close to Yuusuke, Hiei, and Kurama, since they have been through so much shit, it's not even funny. Whatever happens, he always has their backs. Not entirely the strongest one of the team, but he's determined to show what he is capable of when in battle. Particularly, Yuusuke is very important to him, even though it may seem like he isn't straight, but Kuwabara is, and Yuusuke is his best friend, his brother almost. He wouldn't take it very well if anything were to happen to him, ie. The whole Sensui killing Yuusuke thing during the Sensui Saga o the Anime. Kuwabara was outrage when Yuusuke died and swore revenge, even tearing the barrier that kept Ningenkai safe from the Makai in order to get to Makai with his other friends. Kuwabara's head over heels in love with Yukina, Hiei's younger sister.

He's very fond of her and he adores her. He hopes that one day she would return his feelings. His love for her is strong enough to even give him new found strength when he needed it, like during the Ankoku Bujutsukai where he was fighting Risho. Almost completely annihilated, he came back with a bang when Yukina came to support him.

Other than that, Kuwabara's an easy going guy that likes to start fights with his rival, and best friend, and occasional teasing of their shortest member, Hiei, but really he cares about all of them. Kuwabara's also a flirt when he wants to be, though, not many girls would find him attracting, but that doesn't stop him from giving them his macho act. Kuwabara actually cares about school as well, even though it seems he cold care less, but he does, and eventually studied his butt off to get in the high school he wanted to get into. He's also very fearful of his older sister, Shizuru, who constantly beats him up for the stupid things he does and beats him into studying.

Kuwabara adores and loves cats. It is the truth. He even has a cat that he adores very much that he named Eikichi. He would go through so much hell for a cat. It seems hilarious, since he's a total toughie and all, but Kuwabara's got a soft side for cats. Don't touch his cat or else he might beat you to a bloody pulp, or go on his knees and beg you to give his cat back! Kuwabara is moralistic and his virtues can never be overwritten.

He doesn't fight girls, and that's his code of honour, enemy or not, he would refuse to fight any females that were up against him. Yuusuke often makes fun of him for it and call him a moron, but Kuwabara respects the female population a lot. That's why he would never lay a finger on a female.


Kuwabara is one of the main characters of Yu Yu Hakusho world. His main role at the beginning of the story was a punk rebel who started fights with others, and often always getting into conflicts with Urameshi, Yuusuke, the number one punk of Sarayashki Junior High. Kuwabara wants to one day be able to beat Yuusuke to a bloody pulp and humiliate him, but that never really does happen, since Kuwabara was always prone to being beat every time he tried to win a fight against Yuusuke.

As the series progresses, Kuwabara participates with Yuusuke in a tournament at Genkai's Temple for special training by her. Kuwabara doesn't win the prize, but he eventually gains something more than lessons with Genka-sensei. He was able to develop a spirit energy created weapon, called a Rei Ken. It emits an orange-yellow glow shaped as that of a sword. At first, he could not call upon that energy without an amplifier, or the small block of wood that was shaped like a hilt of a sword. Being beaten by the demon Rando with broken limbs, Kuwabara recovers from the event pretty easily.

Kuwabara like his sister also has a strong sixth sense. He begins to experience odd things. At some point, he insisted on joining Yuusuke in the mission of the Four Saint Beasts, claiming to want to protect his home world from the take over of the Four Saint Beasts hidden in the dark depths of the Makai. He eagerly forced himself to go on the mission with Yuusuke and claiming that he can very well take care of himself, and showing off his Rei Ken.

Kuwabara's also participated as a fighter during the Ankoku Bujutsukai against the many demon and human teams on Hanging Neck Island to win the championship and take down Toguro, a demon who threatened to annihilate the Reikai Tentai and Sakyou who wanted to create a hole to Makai and unleashing the powerful demons that resided on the others side. Kuwabara goes through a whole lot of hardships with his companions and he himself, was almost killed during the finals, where he faked his death to help Yuusuke unleash his full powers on Toguro.

During the Sensui Saga Kuwabara's Spirit Energy became dormant within his body, and he could not summon it. Being forced down to a regular guy, he becomes slightly depressed and instead of helping Yuusuke, he went to a concert that was more important to him with his normal friends from the middle school. During that event, Seaman one of Sensui's men approached Kuwabara and attempted to kill him by threatening his friends. Diving into the water encased barrier, he successfully destroys from the inside with his new found power, the Jigan Tou, or the Dimension breaking Sword. Having found the person that he wanted, Kuwabara was then kidnapped by Sensui and his men during an ambush at Kuwabara's apartment.

Captured and almost eaten up by Gourmet, his friends came in time to save him, only Yuusuke died in the process again, Kuwabara finally summoned his new power in desperation to save his best friend, but was too late and Kuwabara enraged, chased after Sensui through the Makai hole that he and Itsuki had created. He successfully destroys the barrier that kept the A and S Class demons from entering the Ningenkai, succeeding Sensui's ultimate goal of destroying it and unleashing the powerful demons.

Kuwabara then after that did not play much of a role in the Makai Tournament or events that were in Makai revolving around Yuusuke, Hiei and Kurama. He instead remained in Ningenkai and waited for their return after feeling betrayed that his friends had left him for Makai. He didn't want to be left behind, but in the end agreed to do so. In the end, Kuwabara successfully makes it into the High School he wanted with a lot of beatings from his sister, and leading a rather normal life.

[Timeline] End Anime right before the reunion with Yuusuke at the beach when he's talking to Kurama on the benches at the train station.

[RP Sample]
The first thing he noticed was that he was standing in the middle of some unknown city. It didn't have a name and it was certainly not Tokyo. He remembered that he was sitting on that bench talking with Kurama. So where did his companion and the bench go and those pretty women that almost mistook Kurama for his girlfriend? He was in his street clothes, the jacket and jeans, his curly orange hair and beady black eyes loomed over the surrounding. This better not be some stupid joke of a mission. He respected Koenma unlike Hiei and Yuusuke, but he understood when Koenma did things like this, it made him slightly agitated. The male thought for a moment and decided it wasn't right. Koenma would have no reason to bug him now, even though he totally did not want to retire being a hero of the Ningenkai. He wanted to protect it, Reikai Tentai or not. After all, he still kept his practices up.

Man he really wanted to see Yukina too. Sighing a bit, he rubbed the back of his neck as he started walking along the streets of the unknown city. Well, better make the best of it, and figure out where the train that came and dropped him off went. He could have sworn they were waiting at the bench, but no, he was now stranded in a city he didn't know because the train took the wrong stop, stupid train. He shoved his hands in his pockets, to produce a Tone. He looked at it curiously. The thing reminded him of the compact mirrors that Botan had used and the one that Yuusuke had carried around with him when they were on their missions. It was like a communication device right?

Maybe he could reach someone in Reikai an ask Koenma what the heck was going on. Only, he looked at it again and didn't know a single thing of how it functioned. Shit, it really looked a lot easier when he was watching Botan go through with these funky items. Oh well. He sighed as he punched random buttons to see if he could get anyone on the line. It was really irritating that he couldn't just have a call button or something. This. After a few minutes, he finally gives up and shoves it back into his pocket.

“Man, what kind of city is this, this place gives me the chills. Hey... Kurama, you aroun'? I mean seriously, this isn't funny at all dammit. Where are we... or where am I?” he mused to himself mainly. The signs on the doors and stores that he passed looked like English foreign and not something he could usually make out, but with all the cramming and studying, amazingly, enough, he was able to read the signs. It sounded all... musical like, There were interesting names... “What's the name of this place, anyway? It's definitely not Tokyo or Mushiyori... or even Shibuya. Dammit, where am I?” he stops in his tracks. Maybe walking around wasn't such a smart idea. He might get lost...

Then again... that was the only way he could go, since the train totally vanished out of thin air. Awesome, just awesome. He continued to browse the city and possibly find some answers later.

[I have read and understand the rules?] Yes, definitely understood.

ooc: kuwabara application

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