I hate girls end of story =)

Jan 27, 2005 15:20

Hmm well today was just another boring day at school. Geeze I hate going there everyday I actually wouldnt minde changing schools I hate the people well at least some hmm I dont know it is just gay. Well I just wanted to let that out. well today was cool talked to Nicole a lot me and her really need to start hanging out. Lmao 5th hour was the ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

thetasteofinkxo January 27 2005, 22:04:02 UTC

lmao. That was greaatttttt =]



tomanyheadaches January 27 2005, 22:15:32 UTC
u and jess should come to my school:)


xxloving_youxx January 27 2005, 22:28:04 UTC
Shoot I wouldnt Mind I Hate Clintondale


thetasteofinkxo January 28 2005, 01:19:27 UTC
Yeah me too =[

theres too much drama.
Like...when you didn't like me
and Danielle and Nicole.
too bad. :(



weallbleed89 January 27 2005, 23:28:30 UTC
I hate 4th hour!!!!! your my sanity in that class!!!!!!


xxloving_youxx January 28 2005, 00:44:20 UTC
I dont know what Sanity means but it sounds good soo thank You Dooll <333333


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