Title: Despot Characters: Hidan, Yugito, Kakuzu Words: 1051 Summary: The trio visits cloud. Author's Note: Imagine how Kakuzu might react to food coated with leaf gold. I most certainly don't dare to ponder that.
Despot indeed. A little sad that Kakuzu sees his 'partners' more as assets than even associates. But with such a hostile world they inhabit, with allies today and enemies tomorrow, I guess it's just tough love in a way.
Tough love...yes there is definitely something going on between those three. I a soft moment I might even admit that they are in a way fond of each other, but on the other hand I think I sometimes should honestly remind myself not to write Kakuzu too much like a patriarchate when he interacts with Yugito. I mean: while Hidan is openly cruel most of the time and Kakuzu is not, he still killed off his former parntners. So, yeah in combination with him being rather detached he really is some kind of despot. What can I say? The man is my favorite... And thanks for the comment of course. You know those make me insanely happy, don't you?
Gah *^_^* I get so shy writing comments to authors that are way out of my paltry writing league. I adore this trio, and Kakuzu, as jaded a soul as he is, betrayed in the most deeply personal way by the village he gave his all for- and now he is left trying to get back from life what it didn't pay out... yeah, he is a big fav of mine.
I can see how none of them want to foster feelings or emotions anymore- they've all been let down. It's also probably easier to kill any sentiments that try to plant themselves too deeply before they take root and they're left with the fallout of having it all ripped away when the wheel of fortune isn't on their side.
Or maybe it is just that he has seen so many things rise and fall (by now knowing irredeemably that they must do so) that attaching himself to something seems more than a little vain. (The first line of your comment made by blush to hard by the way...)
ahhh, this is so sad and lovely. You've just gotten better and better! +_+ I found these lines especially striking: "So he sat in some great hall with its painted mirrors and golden ornaments and listened to the village elders wanting money, wanting peace, wanting the girl. When he was finally expected to issue a statement, he raised, bowed just a notch not deep enough and declined." In that moment it seems like Kakuzu does deny the village everything - the money, the peace, and Yugito too.
Thanks! Well...I don't imagine treating with Kakuzu particularly easy. Probably almost as bad as with Itachi. Writing that line in which Kakuzu bows was fun by the way. (Tries not to think about what that might mean from a psychological point of view.)
Yes, I think I really do enjoy that... *grin* Knowing that he does it, just because he can makes me laugh (in a way that is probably not healthy at all).
I feel really stupid for writing this, it's kind of embarrassing... but I have read a few lines in this and come up with an astounding number of interpretations for them. Basically, I'm confused a little about the meanings of them- and wondered if you would be willing to provide a bit of explanation to what you meant with them? 'I am loyal...The only thing I deplore is that it is not within human nature to remain completely alone.” does this have a psychological/human needs meaning or a reciprocal altruistic sociological explanation? Or am I way out by Robin Hood's barn? Then, Let us forever be as shackled as we need to be Is this about wanting her own freedom and ability for self-determination, is she (maybe wrong word choice) of Hidan and wants him to be controlled/reigned in? Sorry for the fail, but I have been plagued by wanting to understand this for a long time, it is itching in my mind!
When I wrote this I imagined a psychological motive to be behind this. After being abducted I don't think her relationship with her village would be unchanged. They might want her back, but I think it would be for strategical/pragmatic reasons
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That was actually really helpful- it makes sense that you give up freedom and choice in order to get benefits or avoid negative consequences. It is the most logical choice, or at least the less illogical one. The psychological/emotional needs spin was what I wanted to clarify and the 'who' regarding shackles (shacklesmake me think of chains and cages, and there is an actual demon you could think about if that was involved...) Yea anyhow I don't think you write her as being weak, seems she is operating fairly well under considerable stress and pressure. I could also see her focusing on interpersonal ties more acutely given how she might have been held at arms length even within the ninja community, and alienation and isolation can leave a lot of empty space and time-even camaraderie if not a deep mutually supportive tie for something as simple as morale. As far as Hidan, definitely easier to target a single rogue ninja than a coalition of force, so that alliance is a good setup for him. Thanks for taking the time to reply, I love
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Comments 13
Nicely done.
What can I say? The man is my favorite...
And thanks for the comment of course. You know those make me insanely happy, don't you?
I can see how none of them want to foster feelings or emotions anymore- they've all been let down. It's also probably easier to kill any sentiments that try to plant themselves too deeply before they take root and they're left with the fallout of having it all ripped away when the wheel of fortune isn't on their side.
(The first line of your comment made by blush to hard by the way...)
When he was finally expected to issue a statement, he raised, bowed just a notch not deep enough and declined." In that moment it seems like Kakuzu does deny the village everything - the money, the peace, and Yugito too.
I'm looking forward to reading more from you ;D
Writing that line in which Kakuzu bows was fun by the way. (Tries not to think about what that might mean from a psychological point of view.)
You just like seeing him diss people subtly, right? ;)
'I am loyal...The only thing I deplore is that it is not within human nature to remain completely alone.” does this have a psychological/human needs meaning or a reciprocal altruistic sociological explanation? Or am I way out by Robin Hood's barn?
Then, Let us forever be as shackled as we need to be Is this about wanting her own freedom and ability for self-determination, is she (maybe wrong word choice) of Hidan and wants him to be controlled/reigned in? Sorry for the fail, but I have been plagued by wanting to understand this for a long time, it is itching in my mind!
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