Now who said mE won't change this time round heh. D: I've done it like, yeah, finally ;_; I think this is the.. first? wait, second time in my entire life changing the LJ layout lol. The first change still doesn't involve those CSS codes w/e u name the language is. haha 8D;;
I bet my LJ feels like disappearing to thin air everytime I browse my f-list's entry. And thanks to those in my minuscule f-list, I've been made to see them changing layouts for the 79865294662984th time while I'm still stuck at my 1st. In order to not be upstaged by these freaks, I shall create such excuses of having not enough time to be bothered to change layout coz I think I have a life. D:
Truthfully speaking, I've been wanting to change it eversince but I've never got my butt glued to the chair to the end of the layout hunting so yeah, it end up never got to change /o/ Now i'm noticing my current layout is missing my journal tagline OTL
And how you guyz do the pimping post? ?_?
On a side note, I'm going back to my hometown on 19th this month o/ supposedly I was to be back by end june, but I forgot to give the 1 month notice earlier, so yeah, it got postponed. Thanks to that, I secured myself to DaiCon haha 8D
I think I mentioned somewhere that my parents wants mE to get a job at my hometown, so that means I would be rotting away at JB once I'm back there. And yesterday, my dad was asking about my job hunting in PJ//KL and I went huh? D:
"I thought you didn't let mE search for jobs here dad?"
And his reply was, well no, just take whatever opportunity that comes, see how it goes blablayadayadaetcetc and so the story goes on how the family might move to PJ once younger sis finishes spm to how my brother and I can share a roof at PJ and save cost.
For the record, That. is EXACTLY what my line of thought was of when I proposed that intention to my dad during my visit home for sem break sometime early this year, which resulted in dad went ballistic over dinner spouting nonsense that I'm forgetting the family, avoiding home, being selfish, immature and w/e crap you can think of.
And now he says this? D:
What is this feeling "OTL I'm dumbfounded+eyeblinking+furious more than I'm glad "OTL